Jardín de Sombras

Jardín de Sombras

Jardí d´Ombres

Shade Garden

The Shade Garden is a low-budget project developed as part of the Urban Improvement Program of SEDATU, in collaboration with Facultad de Arquitectura, UNAM. Located in Las Palmas neighborhood, Los Cabos Baja California, it addresses the challenges of a marginalized area exposed to drought and hurricane-prone conditions. With limited green spaces and inadequate recreational areas, the project aims to provide a resilient public space that integrates with the natural landscape, requiring minimal maintenance. It improves the microclimate, fosters local cultural and environmental identity, and reduces vulnerability to disasters while providing various amenities. These include a soccer field, a covered sports area with a court, bleachers, restrooms, a rainwater storage cistern, a calisthenics area, a children's playground, a skatepark shaded by the building, a running track, a parking lot that acts as a water infiltration zone. The building serves as an urban amenity and a logistical infrastructure for emergency coordination during disasters. Open spaces incorporate native and xerophytic vegetation, which offer shade, mitigate heat island effects, reduce irrigation, and reinforce the local landscape identity. The facility can accommodate around 430 users indoors and 480 users outdoors simultaneously. Rainwater is collected and stored for various uses, while the modular metal structure offers flexibility for multiple activities. The use of prefabricated elements allows for efficient construction, low maintenance, and durability. The roof's design limits solar exposure, admits cooling winds, avoids hurricane speeds, supports solar panel installation, and enhances interior lighting. Trees provide additional shade, while the lattice-like roof walls offer a sense of safety and visual connection to the landscape. The project offsets CO2 emissions through low-energy usage and passive climate control. Its replicable design serves as a model for similar projects in desert cities.

22.936106003621, -109.94290469008

Year of the project conception
Year of completion of the project
COST (€/m²) ($/m²) (€/ha) ($/ha)
175 USD/m2
Price category
Price subcategory
Espacios abiertos y equipamientos
Customer type
Administració pública
Customer Name
Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano
Construction company
Constructora Alan Haro
Works management
Maintenance manager
Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano
Maintenance costs (€/m²)
Avenida de Las Palmas s/n
Coordinates UTM
E 608363.89, N 2536858.29
City / Place
Cabo San Lucas
Baja California Sur