Gustav Lange

Ponente 2

Born in Oldenburg (Germany), 1937. He began his apprenticeship as a gardener in 7954, gained his master's degree at Hohenheim in 1961 and studied Gardening and Landscape Design at the Kassel Academy of Arts. Recently he has designed the urban spaces and landscape schemes for Postdammer Platz, Berlin, the Preussische Herrenhaus Park and the Residence of the Federal Council. Since 1989, he has lectured in Open Space Design at the University of Kassel.

Joan Llort

Lecturer 1 and 2

Born in Tarragona, 1950. Graduate architect from the ETSAB lecturer on the master's degree course in Landscape Architecture at the UPC He is Director of the Territorial Service of Urbanism and Territorial Planning of Tarragona and, from 2000, General Director of Town Planning. Main works: co-designer of the General Plan for Cambrils and Altafulla; Partial Industrial Plan for Riu- Clar, Tarragona; Partial Residential Plan for Sant Ramon, Tarragona, and Partial Territorial Planning for the Terres de l'Ebre.

Christine Dalnoky

Lecturer 2

Born in 1956. Graduate from the ENSP, Versailles, in 1982. ln 1988, she founded her own office with Michel Desvigne. Among her works: Port Marianne Area, Montpellier; the TGV train stations in Valence, Avignon and Marseilles; Sieroterapico Park, Milan; Millennium Park, London; Middelheim Museum, Antwerp; Museum of Modern Art, Kirchberg. She has lectured at the ENSP in Versailles, Genoa Institute of Architecture and the Architecture Academy in Mendrisio.

Shlomo Aronson

Lecturer 2

Born in Jerusalem. Graduate from the University of California, BLA, in 1963, and from Harvard University, MIA, in 1966. He founded his office in Jerusalem in 1969, bringing together landscape architects, architects and urbanists. Lecturer at the Bezalel Academy in Jerusalem from 1979 to 1985; guest lecturer on several occasions at Harvard University. He was Chairman of the Landscape Architects Association of Israel from 1991 to 1998.

Martí Domènech

Lecturer 2

Born in 1957. Graduate in Architecture from the ETSAB in 1984 and master's degree in town planning management from the UPC in 1988. Co-ordinator of the Open Spaces Area of the Diputació de Barcelona. He was manager of the Institute of Town Planning and Local Activities. From the year 2000 he is co-ordinator of the Area d'Espais Naturals de la Diputació de Barcelona.

Manuel Colominas

Lecturer 2

Born in Barcelona, 1951. He is an agricultural engineer and lecturer of Gardening and Landscape Architecture at the ETSAB, graduate in Geography and History from Barcelona University, lecturer on the master's course in Landscape Architecture, ETSAB, and lecturer at the Eina art school. ln 1992, he founded Factors de Paisatge with Xavier Pablo. He develops landscape projects and collaborates with architecture practices.

Eduard Bru

Lecturer 1 and 2

Born in Barcelona, 1950. Architect and director of the ETSAB. Main works: Olympic Area of Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona; the surroundings of the Alhambra, Granada; planning of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Cordoba Zoological Park; La Bastida Centre, Santa Coloma de Gramenet; Costa Azahar Airport, Castellón. FAD Award (1992), City of Barcelona Award (1985 and 1990) and Ville de Paris Medal (1994).

J.A. Acebillo

Lecturer 1 and 2

Born in Huesca, 1950. He is an architect and has been a lecturer at the ETSAB since 1975. He has been director of Urban Projects at Barcelona City Council (1981-1987), technical director of the Municipal Institute of Urban Development (1988-7993) and director of Barcelona Regional (1994-1999). Since 1999 he has been Head Architect of Barcelona City Council. He has been awarded the Barcelona 92 Honour Medal and the Gold Medal of the Royal Institute of British Architects.

Luís Fernández Galiano

Lecturer 2

Architect and professor of Projects at the Madrid School of Architecture. He directs the magazines Arquitectura Viva and AV Monografias, and the architecture section of the newspaper El Pais. Full member of the Real Academia de Doctores, Cullinan Professor at Rice University, guest lecturer at the Los Angeles Getty Centre, Harvard, Princeton and the Berlage Institute. He has been on the jury of several national and international competitions.

Bet Figueras

Lecturer 1 and 2

Barcelona (1957-2010). She studied Landscape Architecture at Berkeley, Georgetown and Edinburgh. She founded the practice Arquitectura del Paisatge in 1983, the same year she was appointed lecturer on the master's degree course in Landscape Architecture at the UPC. Main works: Square in Girona; gardens of L'Illa Diagonal, Barcelona; landscaping of the Plaça de les Glòries, Barcelona; Parque Sar, Santiago de Compostela.