Ramón Pico

Was born in Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz) in 1966. He qualified as an architect at the Seville School of Architecture (ETSAS) in 1991, coming first in his year. Prizes: Real Maestranza, Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Sevilla. Master’s degree in Integrated Architecture Projects. CSA, Fundación Antonio Camuñas, Madrid, 1992-93. Lecturer in Construction in 1995-97 and Contemporary History since 1998 (ETSAS). Co-director of the first master’s degree in Design (Pablo de Olavide University, Seville), 2003- 2004, and Director of summer courses in Bahia de Cádiz since 2003. In 1993 he formed a Seville-based professional team with F. Javier López Rivera whom he met at the School of Architecture. They have won many competitions and their built work has been awarded numerous prizes by institutions such as the COA of Huelva, FAD Prizes and the 3rd European Biennial on Landscape of Barcelona. Their work has been exhibited and published in various regional, national and international media, including Quaderns, Arquitectura Viva, Bauwelt, ON Diseño, Garten+Landschaft and Detail.

Harry Harsema

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Harry Harsema, Wageningen, Netherlands (19-03-1957). Studied landscape architecture at Wageningen University and Research Centre (Graduated in 1989). Worked as a journalist and graphic designer at the Wageningen University Newspaper (1979- 1989). Winner of the first poetry contest in Wageningen (1986). (1991-2000) Founder and editor in chief of Blauwe Kamer, magazine for landscape architecture and urban design, producer since 1990. (1991 - ) Partner in Grafisch Atelier Wageningen, design and layout studio. (1992 - now) Editor in Chief and producer of “Landscape architecture and Town planning in the Netherlands”. (2000 -) Founder, editor and publisher of Blauwdruk, specialised in publishing books on landscape architecture and urban design. (2002 - ) Producer of ‘Landscape Architectur Europe’. (2005) NVTL-Award of the ‘Netherlands association for landscape architecture’ for the contribution to the development of the landscape architecture in the Netherlands.

Paolo Bürgi

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His practice is based in Camorino, Switzerland; is adjunct professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania and professor-researcher at the IUAV University in Venice. Recent projects in Switzerland include the August Piccard Space in Sierre, the Acca-demia di Architettura Space in Mendrisio or the significant Cardada Mountain Revitalization project in Locarno. He has participated in national and international competitions and lectured in Canada, USA and throughout Europe. His international activities include seminars and studios for the City of Philadelphia, Genova, Padova, Pesaro, the Island of Torcello and the Mountain Village of Bosco Gurin. Bürgi was awarded with diferents prizes like as the ‘European Prize in Landscape architecture Rosa Barba’ in 2003 for the Cardada projec

Guido Ferrara

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Environmental Planning and Landscape design are the main concern of the activity of Guido Ferrara since 1967. He has been involved in Italy in several schemes regarding landscape planning and design of open spaces in urban areas, resources analysis and assessment for tourism and recreation with special focus on outstanding beauty areas and historical heritage. As manager director, interdisciplinary teams have designed a suitable and sustainable future of large districts in Italy, referring to the creation of Natural Parks. He was given the highest award at various competitions on planning and landscape planning; he has also carried out numerous researches into landscape analysis and conservation. He was serving as Professor of Landscape Architecture to the University of Florence from 1970 to 2007; from 1997 he was Director of the post graduate School in Landscape Design of the same University. From 2006 he is scientific director of the magazine Architettura del paesaggio.