Multifunctional Square of Incukalns

Multifunctional Square of Incukalns

Bachelor theses

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies

The Incukalns Multifunctional Square is primarily intended to provide train station functions and convenient pedestrian traffic between the town center, the station and the northern part of Incukalns. Secondary the area can be used as a market or events place. On a daily basis, the market area serves as the closing element of Atmodas Street and a meeting place that represents Incukalns identity. The concept is based on a theoretical study on application of sustainability principles in public outdoor space. Particular attention is paid to assessing the potential of the site and improving the quality of the environment. The design of the project is determined by the features of the site's historically significant objects. Heninu Manor and the Railway station building serve as inspiration for the choice of colors, materials and textures.
Movement organization and accessibility, sustainable rainwater usage, lighting solutions and environmental quality of the town could be improved by Incukalns multifunctional square development. 

Landscape Architecture and Planning