Michel Corajoud

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Urban Planning Grand Prize 2003. Landscape Grand Prize 1992. Alumnus of the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris Landscape Designer with a Degree from the Ministry of Agriculture. Professor at the École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage, Versailles. Visiting Professor at the University of Architecture of Geneva (1999/2002). Collaborated with Jacques Simon, Landscape Designer (from 1964 to 1966). Associated Member of the Studio of Urban Planning and Architecture (A.U.A). Ruban d’Argent prize 1999 for the development of the roof over the North highway in Saint-Denis. Knight of the National Order of Merit 1999. Courrier du maire prize, category: Urban Project “City of Montreuil” 1993. Silver Medal from the Architecture Academy “Accompaniment Architecture” with Claire Corajoud (in 1985). Winner of the Architectural Studies Grand Prize, from the A.U.A. Book entitled “Michel Corajoud”, VISAGE Collection, Hartmann Éditions (2000). Author of numerous published articles. 2007 Construction of a residence for the Soeurs Clarisses (cloistered nuns) and of the gatehouse on-site at the Notre-Dame Chapel of Haut in Ronchamp with Renzo Piano Building Workshop. 2007 Extension of the T3 tramway - Lot 1: Pte d’Ivry / Pte de Charenton with Christian Devillers, ARCADIS, COTEBA.

Fritz Auweck

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1969-1973, study at Technical University of Munich, Dipl. Ing. Landscape Architecture. 1973-1974, assistant at Technical University of Munich, Prof. Günther Grzimek. 1974-1976 Landscape architect, Rural development and village development German company for spatial development. 1977-1984, officer and chief of section of landscape-development in the administrative authority for agriculture and forestry. 1979-1985, lecturer at the university of Munich. Since 1985, Professor at the University of Applied Siences Weihenstephan, Faculty of landscape architecture (1994-1996 and 2006-2008 Dean of faculty). 1991-2000, companion of AUWECK + KOETTER consultancy for landscape and regional development. 2000-2004 companion of LARS consult AG consultancy for planning and project development. 2005, companion of Grontmij I Auweck Gmbh communal and regional development.

Maria Gabriella Trovato

Maria Gabriella Trovato is Assistant Professor in the LDEM Department at the American University of Beirut. She had a Phd in 2003 at the University of Reggio Calabria and the University of Naples in Landscape Architecture: Parks, Gardens and Spatial Planning. Maria Gabriella most recent researches focuses on MEDSCAPES project ENPI/CBCMED, on Landscape Atlas for Lebanon, and on Urban and Peri-urban landscape in the Middle East and North Africa. Currently working on Landscape in emergency research with special focus on Syrian crisis in Lebanon. She has worked in several countries including Italy, Morocco, Tunisia and Canada, and was lead partner in EU-research programs.

Nigel Thorn

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Consultant Landscape Architect. President, European Federation for Landscape Architecture Vice-president (Europe), International Federation of Landscape Architects. Past-president, Landscape Institute Nigel is a chartered landscape architect specialising in landscape management. He practices as an independent landscape consultant specialising in contract administration and project implementation but also works part-time for the award-winning practice of Rummey Design and Rummey Environmental based in London, UK. Having served the Landscape Institute in a variety of roles, he played an instrumental role in how the LI approached its work in higher education, careers promotion and the professional practice examination. He was elected president of the European Federation for Landscape Architecture at the beginning of 2010. He works and teaches both nationally and internationally and regularly gives talks, seminars and lectures on behalf of the profession around the world.

José Manuel Vidal

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Architect from the School of Architecture of Valencia from 1977. Professor of Projects from 1994 to 1999. Professor of the Department of Urban Planning in the Landscape Project from 2003 to the present at ETSAV. Referring to the landscape discipline has organized: Seminar "La Riqualificazione del Bosco di Finizio del Piano di Citulo"; Seminar "Thinking the Landscape"; “International Landscaping Days” held at MUVIM; Workshop on the Turia River Metropolitan Park held at the CEA; Organizer of the “Landscape of Landscapes” course; Organizer and teacher Workshop La Xara, Denia, "Urban planning and design from landscaping"; “1st Landscaping Meeting. Valencia 2009”. Referring to the dissemination of landscaping: since February 2007, editor and coordinator of the monographic landscape magazine of Paisea. As of May 1, 2009, editor and coordinator of the new monographic magazine by countries paiseaDOS.


Dan Lewis

Dan Lewis is the Chief of the Urban Risk Reduction Unit, UN-Habitat, Kenya. He has worked for UN-Habitat since 1997 based in Somalia, Kosovo and Nairobi, and has managed the global portfolio of disaster and conflict related work of the Agency since 2002. As a civil engineer and private consultant, he has worked in urban reconstruction and housing programmes in South Africa and Chile as well as with First Nations communities in his home region on Vancouver Island, Canada since 1987. He is currently leading the development of a new UN-Habitat global programme designing new standards for measuring and monitoring urban resilience. The City Resilience Profiling Programme, and its associated projects and team, are based in the Risk Reduction Unit’s programme office in Barcelona, Spain.

Kate Orff

Kate Orff’s activist and visionary work on design for climate dynamics has been shared and developed in collaboration with arts institutions, governments, and scholars worldwide. She teaches design studios and interdisciplinary seminars at Columbia University focused on sustainable development, biodiversity, and community-based change. Kate is also a registered landscape architect and the founder of SCAPE, an award-winning landscape architecture and urban design office based in New York City. She is also the author of Toward an Urban Ecology, (Monacelli, 2016) a new book about the SCAPE practice.