Sue Anne Ware

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Her most recent books include Sunburnt: Australian Practices of Landscape Architecture and Taylor Cullity Lethlean: Making Sense of Landscape. Ware is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects. Prof Leon van Schaik and Prof. Ware were recently were awarded an ARC Discovery grant; (DP 110100939) Design practice research: uncovering the role of spatial intelligence in designing the built environment for $150,000 AUD. In 2013/14 she was awarded a $47,000 grant to develop a new Master of Landscape Architecture program across 6 universities in New Zealand and Australia. She is currently a visiting professor and scholar at ETSAB and Ecole Nationale Superieure du Paysage – Versaiiles (ENSP-V) for 2014.

Manel Colominas

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Agronomist engineer teaching at the Master of Landscape Architecture DUOT (UPC).

Desiree Martinez

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Desiree Martinez is a Landscape Architect who graduated from the Technical University of Munich. She was president of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) from 2010 to 2014. Through her firm PAISAJE RADICAL, projects and research on landscape architecture, urban design and environmental management. She has taught at the master program in Landscape Architecture of the Iberoamerican University in León Guanajuato, Mexico.

Ricard Pié

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Ricard Pié Ninot received the Ph.D. in Architecture from the School of Architecture of Barcelona (UPC). He is Full Professor of Urbanism and Regional Planning at the School of Architecture of the Vallès (UPC). From 2005 to 2008 he was the first Director of the new School of Architecture of Malaga (EAM). In the year 2003, he was awarded the Catalonian Town Planning Prize, for the Revision of the Master Plan of Torroella de Montgrí. He has led with Josep M. Vilanova the Territorial Sectorial Housing Plan for the Housing Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Michael Van Gessel

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Educated as a landscape architect at the University of Wageningen (1978), Michael van Gessel is active in the broader field of landscape architecture and urbanism.Since 1997 he has worked as an independent advisor. Prior to this he was employed for eighteen years at Bureau B+B (urbanism and landscape architecture), the last seven as its director.he mostly specializes in large scale urban planning and landscape architecture projects,which include working on new parks, the renovation of old city parks and estates, designing gardens for buildings, and envisioning schemes for large regional areas.

Zhu Yufan

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Professor, PHD Supervisor, Deputy Head of Department of Landscape Architecture School of Architecture, Tsinghua University. In 1997, Graduated from School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University and received Doctorate of Engineering Became the first Chinese PHD of Landscape Architecture. Visiting professor at Rome University (2003), MIT SPURS, Harvard GSD and Unversidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (2005). He has realized many excellent landscape projects in China and got international prizes. Such as his practice the Quarry Garden in the Chenshan Botanic Garden gained the 2012 ASLA General Design Award of Honor, 2011 BALI National Landscape Award (International Category).