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PhD Architect and Lecturer (ETSA Barcelona). Teaching Urbanism at the Barcelona School of Architecture since 2001 and invited to universities in Europe and America. Predoctoral Fellowship UPC-DUOT 2001-04 and researcher at the Barcelona Laboratory of Urbanism where he is coordinator and participant in various international projects on urban transformation, ecology and urban metabolism. Former collaborator and assistant teacher to Professor Manuel de Solà-Morales and Current Vice Dean for International Relations in ETSAB. Co-principal in SFCA studio, developing various scale designs, plans and competitions of landscape urbanism and architecture (sfcaa.com).
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Enric Batlle founded in 1981, together with Joan Roig, BATLLEIROIG ARQUITECTES developing Building, Planning and Landscape projects. Master of Landscape Architecture and PhD of Architecture from 2002, is also Professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the UPC since 1982. Director of the Master of Landscape Architecture ETSAB - UPC and professor of Architecture Landscape Planning and Architecture Workshop in UPC - ETSAV. His work “El Jardín de la Metrópoli” (Ed. Gustavo Gili, 2011) was awarded with FAD Award in category of Theory and Criticism of Architecture in 2012, among others.
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Juan Manuel Salazar Palerm is PhD Architect and Head of department of Architectural Design at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He was director of the II and III Bienal de Arquitectura, Arte y Paisaje de Canarias (2008-2012). Since 2011 he is the director of the Observatorio del Paisaje de Canarias and since 2014 President of the Red de Universidades para la implementación de la Convención Europea del Paisaje (UNISCAPE). Founding member of the study Palerm&Tabares de Nava with his partner Leopoldo Tabares de Nava, they have done several projects of architecture, urbanism and landscape through professional assignments, competitions, exhibitions and publications.
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Brian Davis is an assistant professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture at Cornell University where he runs the Borderlands Research Group. He studied landscape architecture at North Carolina State University and the University of Virginia, has practiced in Buenos Aires and New York City, is a registered landscape architect in New York State, and a member of the Dredge Research Collaborative. Current collaborators include the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Mahan Rykiel Associates, and the Port of Baltimore. His research and teaching are focused on public space, flooding infrastructure, and water quality in ports and river cities throughout the Americas. His work positions these projects as acts of desire and landscape-making through a focus on the agency of things and aesthetics. Current research includes the design of public sedimentary infrastructure in Great Lakes ports and Baltimore Harbor as well as river infrastructure in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
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Professor and Founder Dean of Landscape Architecture Department, Tsinghua University. As the head of the Group of Experts, presided over the “The 11th National Five-year Plan for Protecting National Natural and Cultural Heritage”,and more than 10 General Managment Plan for natural and cultural heritage sites in China. His Ph. D. thesis “Improving the National Park and Protected Area System of China: Theories and Practice” won the first prize of Tsinghua University’s excellent doctoral dissertation, which played an important role in the creation of National park system in China.
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Eduardo Cadaval is a founding partner of Cadaval&Solà-Morales. Architect from the Universidad Nacional de México and MBA from Harvard University. Associate Professor since 2006 in ETSAB, UPC. His work has won many international awards including among others: Bauwelt Prize (Munich), Young Architects Award from the COAC (Barcelona), Design Vanguard Award (New York), mention of young architecture of the IX Spanish Biennial of Architecture (Madrid), Silver Medal of the XI Biennial of Mexican Architecture (Mexico City), VIII Biennial of Ibero-american Architecture Award (Cádiz) and International FAD 2016 award (Barcelona). Cadaval has also been a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Barcelona program at the University of Calgary, the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, the Career Discovery of Harvard University program and the Boston Architectural Center.
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Nina-Marie Lister is Graduate Program Director and Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at Ryerson University in Toronto where she founded and directs the Ecological Design Lab. From 2009-2014, she was Visiting Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design. A Registered Professional Planner (MCIP, RPP) with post-graduate training in landscape ecology and urban planning, she is the founding principal of PLANDFORM, a creative studio practice exploring the relationship between landscape, ecology, and urbanism. Lister’s research, teaching and practice focus on the confluence of culture and nature: her work centres on landscape infrastructure and ecological processes within contemporary metropolitan regions, and engages systems approaches to develop new methods for urban resilience and adaptation in the face of large-scale change.
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Anuradha Mathur, an architect and landscape architect, is Professor in the Landscape Architecture Department, University of Pennsylvania. In collaboration with her partner Dilip da Cunha she is author of Mississippi Floods: Designing a Shifting Landscape (2001), Deccan Traverses: the Making of Bangalore’s Terrain (2006) and Soak: Mumbai in an Estuary (2009), and co-editor of Design in the Terrain of Water (2014). In 2011 and 2012 Mathur and da Cunha curated an international symposium titled In the Terrain of Water, held at PennDesign. (http://terrain.design.upenn.edu/about). In 2013/2014 they led a PennDesign Team for the project Structures of Coastal Resilience supported by the Rockefeller Foundation (www.structuresofcoastalresilience.org).