
Lecturer 3

Perejaume lives and works in Sant Pol de Mar and in the Montnegre hills. His work brings together literary and visual practices. Painting, writing and long walks have contributed in his body of work to a redefinition of the art of landscape, as corroborated by exhibitions such as "Postaler" (1984), "A 2.000 metres de pintura sobre el nivell del mar" (1988), "Galeria Joan Prats, Coll de Pol-Cim del Costabona" (1990), "Girona, Pineda, Sant Pol i la Vall d'Oo" (1997), "Bocamont, Ceret, Figueres, el Prat, Tarragona i Valls" (2000), "L'obra de Granollers" (2002) and "Retrotabula" (2003).
