

On September 26th, as an opening activity of the International Biennial of Landscape of Barcelona, the cathedral square will be covered with an ephemeral landscape composed of more than 2,000 trees.

And by "ephemeral" we mean that on that day at 7 pm we give a tree to each and every one of the attendees, who will now have the power to take that piece of landscape anywhere they want in the city. Some of them might leave the plant in a place where they would like to see a park or garden. Most people will foster them to be plated afterwards in forests damaged by fire events. We want to celebrate the  power to decide where and why you would like toplant your tree, leaving the responsability of the gift and the committment to another being, entirely in your hands.

And that way we will all play a game to design our everyday landscapes (#fempaisatge, let's make landscapes!).

The activity aims to attract all social groups and active citizens and get them to join in and express their complaints or commitment with the environment in a creative way.  So do join us and let's play this game together!

Once the ephemeral landscape in front of the cathedral has disappeared we'll see how new landscapes emerge. It is important to point out the new location for each plant using the official hashtag #fempaisatge. That way we'll give visibility to all these spaces. The Barcelona City Council has shown a great interest in this exercise of tactical ubanism since the very beginning. They believe it will be a great way to see which sites have been chosen by the citizens to create landscapes, play with them, report damages, improve neighborhoods, imagine new scenarios, decorate facades and repopulate urban gardens, as well as any other initiatives, games and ideas which might pop up!

We've already talked with you:

- Mescladis - Fundació Comtal - Casal de Barri Pou de la Figuera - RAI - Recursos d'Animació Intercultural - Fundació Roure - Associació l'esquitx - Casal Gent Gran - EICA - Casal del infants - TOT RAVAL - AFA Baixeras - AMPA Sant Felip Neri - Escola Baixeras - Escola Sant Felip Neri - Casal Martí Marco - Escola Drassanes - Centro Civic Patí Llimona - Casal del Gotic - Asociación de Vecinos del Barri Gotic - Casal Tarradellas - Escola de turismo - La Negreta - Associació Gabella - Santa Monica - Fundació SURT - Grupo de Taller de Marionetas - Atenció a las Dones - Dit i Fet - Impulsem - EKU MENE - Diàlegs de Dona - Fundació ESCO - Centro de Atenció i assesoramiento de jóvenes - Sant Lluc - Casa de les Entremeses - Oficina para la no discriminació - Ludoteca / plaça del Pi - Fundació La caixa "La esperanza" - Arrels Fundació - Hora de deu - Fundació 4 vents - Casal de Gent Gran Josep Trueta - Fundació Social del Raval - ACESOP

Please, help us spread this information so that, when the day comes, all groups, foundations and neighbourhood associations can participate in the event!