Prof.DSc. Lúcia Costa

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidade Santa Úrsula (1980) and PhD in Landscaping – University College London (1992). Full Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Coordinator of the Professional Master's Degree in Landscape Architecture at PROURB-FAU/UFRJ (2010-2014). Brazilian coordination of international cooperation agreements with LSBU, UK, British Academy/Academy of Medical Sciences GCRF Networking Grant Scheme support, with the theme Urban Network in Urban Agriculture (2019-2020) and British Academy/Newton Fund support (2016-2017 ), such as Urban Agriculture, Landscape Justice and Migrants Inclusion. Deputy coordination of the Citylab project – Alfa III/CEE (2015-2018). Vice-coordination of the Alfa III/CEE Project – ADU_2020: The restructuring of Higher Education for the 21th century in the expanded field of Architecture, Design and Urbanism (2010-2014); coordinated international agreement CAPES/DAAD/UNIBRAL (2008-2009); participation in work missions abroad within the scope of agreements MCT/CNPq/CTHidro, CAPES/COFECUB and Alfa Archinet/CEE Project. Scientist of Nosso Estado (FAPERJ) in several periods since 2000. He has experience in the area of ​​Architecture and Urbanism, with emphasis on Landscaping – Urban Free Space Projects, acting in research mainly in the following themes: urban waters, urban landscape, open areas, public parks, urban agriculture, urban rivers and cultural and environmental landscape dynamics.