Research on Waterfront Landscape Improvement Design of Jinjiang River Basin in Chengdu City Based on NbS Strategy

Research on Waterfront Landscape Improvement Design of Jinjiang River Basin in Chengdu City Based on NbS Strategy

Graduation Design (Thesis) - Landscape Architecture

Southwest Jiaotong University

According to a study published in the journal Nature, only about one-third of the world's 246 longest rivers are still free-flowing. Climate change is a growing threat to the health of the world's rivers as rising temperatures are already affecting river flow patterns, water quality, and biodiversity. Extreme weather is more frequent and more intense, putting river health at risk and making it more prone to major floods or droughts. At the same time, artificial water conservancy facilities are widely used in the world to manage natural rivers, which has led to a significant decrease in the resilience of rivers. In this situation, it is undoubtedly very dangerous for us. Based on the above problems, this design proposes a variety of nature-based solutions to the problems existing in the Jinjiang River Basin in Chengdu, such as seasonal floods, cut-offs, biodiversity, farmland irrigation, water purification, and dams blocking the natural flow of rivers. Attempts to transform and use the power of nature through small-scale artificial means, let nature work to gradually solve various problems in the watershed, achieve the effect of comprehensive watershed management, and restore the ecological service function of natural rivers as much as possible.

Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture
Academic year
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