"Retrace" Istanbul Landwalls Experience

"Retrace" Istanbul Landwalls Experience

Graduation Project: Landwalls Chronicles: Landscape Design of Istanbul Landwall District

Istanbul Technical University

The historical traces that have layers over the years in the Istanbul Land Walls have created a tangible and intangi­ble cultural heritage in the Historical Walls of Istanbul. This cultural heritage can be transferred from one generation to the next through the continuous act of "re-creation" and therefore kept alive_ With a holistic approach that uses the power of experience to ground the body-place-memory, the "re-tracing" project offers users the opportunity to experi­ence the layers of history. The "Retrace" project reminds that the cultural landscape is not only a reminder, but also a place to live, by offering various programs to increase conscious cultural mobility, protect cultural memory, and ensure local food production and consumption_ A new transportation-experience route has been proposed for the area_ It is aimed to teach cultural heritage by including the cultural heritage areas within the city walls on the route. In order to provide experience on the route, 8 different programs have been defined. These programs are: Observation Corridors, Platforms and Stairs, Gathering Areas, Memory Stations, Temporary Museum Areas, Memorial Points, Green Corridors and Surface Water Systems. With these programs, the selected Topkap1 Landwalls area was designed_ 

Landscape Architecture
Academic year