The river basins of Vegadeo, the reason for their current state

The river basins of Vegadeo, the reason for their current state

Final Landscape Degree Project

Universidade da Coruña

We are currently in a moment of social, economic, energy and, above all, environmental crisis. It is evident that the maintenance of the current model is unsustainable and leads to collapse. A paradigm shift is necessary; a return to the small scale and to the next. A sustainable and local production and consumption and a return to the rural and their way of life in connection and in tune with the territory. Search for new models that think about future generations and recognize our interdependence on the environment. In recent years there has been a movement back to the countryside and new models of self-sufficiency of the communities have been generated based on the recovery of the primary sector that clashes with the rural exodus that has been taking place in recent decades. For these reasons, the objective of the work was the development of a methodology that facilitates this return to rural areas, helping to revitalize depopulated territories and recovering their productivity. Always from the respect of its natural values and through the settlement of the population linked to the recovery of the practices of the primary sector. This methodology can be extrapolated and applicable to a great variability of rural territories, making small modifications to adapt it to their different peculiarities, but it is developed based on a specific area, the Vegadeo river basins.

Landscape degree
Academic year