Across the Line - A Transboundary River, the Case of Baqa-Jett

Baqa-Jett, Israel

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Co-Living: Kibbutz Expansion and Preservation of its Identity

Kibbutz Nachsholim, Israel

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

The Gardens at Roahtoviiknjárga

Roahtoviiknjárga, Norway

UiT the Arctic University of Norway

Reconnecting the trail - the bottlenecks of Duokta

Heggelimoen, Norway

UiT the Arctic University og Norway

Cumulative Mitigation Plan

Kvænangen, Norway

UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Drifting as Agency - More-than-human marine spatial planning in the Fram Strait

The Fram Strait, Norway

UiT The Arctic University of Norway