Sue Anne Ware

Jury Rosa Barba 8

Her most recent books include Sunburnt: Australian Practices of Landscape Architecture and Taylor Cullity Lethlean: Making Sense of Landscape. Ware is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects. Prof Leon van Schaik and Prof. Ware were recently were awarded an ARC Discovery grant; (DP 110100939) Design practice research: uncovering the role of spatial intelligence in designing the built environment for $150,000 AUD. In 2013/14 she was awarded a $47,000 grant to develop a new Master of Landscape Architecture program across 6 universities in New Zealand and Australia. She is currently a visiting professor and scholar at ETSAB and Ecole Nationale Superieure du Paysage – Versaiiles (ENSP-V) for 2014.