7th Lecturers

Lecturer 7
Herbert Dreiseitl is a urban designer, landscape architect, water artist, interdisciplinary planner and Professor in Praxis at NUS A hallmark of his work is the inspiring and innovative use of water to solve urban environmental challenges, connecting technology with aesthetics, encouraging people to take care and ownership for places. He has realized ground-breaking contemporary designs in the fields of urban hydrology, water design, stormwater management, planning, and landscape architecture. As the founder of Atelier Dreiseitl, a globally integrated design studio with more than 30-year history of excellence in urban design, landscape architecture and ecological waterscapes Herbert directs the organizations strategic design and planning efforts, demonstrating a portfolio of site-responsive interventions of urban hydrology and environmental engineering. Through a collaborative network with studios in Ueberlingen, Germany, Singapore and Beijing, China, Herbert is committed to developing resources and expertise of lasting impact on the design profession and the natural and built environments across the globe. He lectures worldwide and has authored many publications including three editions of Recent Waterscapes, Planning, Building and Designing with Water. As a Harvard GSD Loeb Fellow and Visiting Professor at NUS Singapore, Herbert is exploring the history and potentials for the future of water and society, the changing exogenous water security environments, and design tools for managing global water-related risks.

Lecturer 7
Christina Tenjiwe Kaba moved from a rural area in South Africa's Eastern Cape to Cape Town in 1984. Christina is co-director of Abalimi Bezekhaya, www.abalimi.org.za , and the leader of a self-sustainable grassroots community micro-farming movement in the townships surrounding Cape Town, which provides permanent fresh food security for around 3000 micro-farming families (15000 people) plus permanent grassroots jobs with regular incomes for hundreds of others, via a marketing scheme called Harvest of Hope www.harvestofhope.co.za . Christina and her team of co-workers have thus created a replicable Iow cost food security and job creation model which can be copied in any town or city countrywide.

Lecturer 7
Reiulf Ramstad is the founder and principal owner in Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter AS (RRA), which was established as a firm in 1995. Between 1991 and 1995 he worked as assistant professor, lecturer and thesis advisor at the faculty of Architecture at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) where he held basic and advance courses for "Complex buildings" and "Project Management" for beginners: advanced, and Thesis levels. He was a regular thesis advisor, regular juror in the Faculty of Architecture between 1993 and 2012. Ramstad was awarded professor competence from the Oslo School of Architecture - and Design (AHO) in 2004. He is appointed as a regular thesis juror at AHO from 2008 to 2011. Apart from his acadermic work at NT NU, he was also engaged in his own architectural practice as a partner in "Steen Ramstad Bryn Arkitekter AS" between 1993 and 1995. ReiuIf Ramstad established his own architectural Firm (RRA) in Oslo in 1995 Ramstad has received numerous awards for his architecture and design practice. In addition to several prizes in architectural competitions, some Oother prizes included are: "Premio Gino Valle in Venice," Foundation Norsk Forms prize in Field of Design and Architecture; and "The Norwegian Award for Design Excellence” University College Ostfold was nominated for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture -"The Mies van der Rohe Award" in 2007 and The Trollstigen National Tourist Route Project is nominated for the 2011 "Mies Award”. His furniture design and many of RRA's projects have been exhibited in Norway and abroad. He initiated and developed the concept for the first Architectural Triennale in Oslo in 2000. He also represented Norway at the Nordic pavilion at the Architectural Biennale in Venice in 2001. Ramstad was acclaimed professionally as board member of NAL, the National Association of Norwegian Architects, in the period between 1997 and 2000. In 2000-2002 he was appointed vice president.

Lecturer 7
Per Ritzler (born in 1954, Oslo), Journalist, Project Manager, is Assistant Project Manager, National Tourist Routes in Norway, with responsibility for national and international promotion of the Tourist Routes. Mr. Ritzler is a former journalist and correspondent for the Swedish national broadcasting corporation and has also previously run his own consulting company dealing with communication and journalism.

Lecturer 7
After completing a university degree in Art History, Sébastien Penfornis (born 1973) proceeded to formally train as an architect (EAB Rennes, TU Delft, EA Nantes). He spent 8 years collaborating with numerous practices in Rotterdam in the Netherlands (Schie 2.0, KWau, Made, Kaap3, West8) where, in an innovative and progressive environment, he explored various scales and typologies of landscape projects through urban and territorial reflections. As of 2006, he is co-founder and director of Taktyk (Paris/Brussels) and guest teacher at the ENSP Versailles (project department). Since 2012 he has been undertaking a PhD (Research by Design) with RMIT Melbourne (Australia) which explores through his practice the notions of "serendipity and bricolage" in transforming the landscape design process.

Lecturer 7
Craig Verzone is a registered landscape architect in the state Massachusetts (USA) and is a member of the Swiss Federation of Landscape Architects as well as the American Society of Landsape Architects. He co-founded the office Verzone Woods Architectes - paysage, urbanism, architecture in 1995 with architect Cristina Woods. Verzone and Woods have grounded their collaborative, multi-disciplinary practice in the Swiss Alps while also setting professional roots in Barcelona and northern Spain. Verzone studied landscape architecture at Cornell University and Urban Design at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and received the Rome Prize in Landscape Architecture from the American Academy in 1998. He has recently taught in the University of Virginia School of Architecture, L'Ecole d'ingénieurs et d'architectes de Fribourg, Switzerland as well as at the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

Lecturer 7
Teacher and landscape architect. Born in Ausburg (Germany): he graduated prom Munich polytechnic and has studied at Munich, Versailles and Italy. He has taught at the Munich Polytechnic, at the art academy in Berlin, and in Other Italian faculties as a temporary lecturer. From 2002 to 2006 he was director and associated professor of the Landscape architecture department of the University of Montreal. He collaborates with CUPEUM, Chaire Unesco of Paysage et Environment for their international activity and research into suburban landscapes. He has participated in the Bolzano Habitat research (2001), he directed the group Napoli Campi Flegrei of the international research Urban Catalyst of the EU. He collaborates with Sardinian region Landscape Observatory and has been president of the jury for Sardinian Landscape Prize (2007). He has written several articles on contemporary and historical landscape architecture which have been published in reviews and several books. He participated in 1992 in foundation of Topos Journal. Since 2008 he is a member of scientific committee of the "Città con vista" series. From 1995 to 2002 he has directed the Berlin office of Burger-Tischer and later the Tischer studio in Montreal (2002-2006). His projects include: the exterior of Dresden University, the garden exhibition park at Potsdam, experimental garden at Metis, Montreal and Padula (for Ortus Artis), Prizes include: Fontana Candida park in Rome (1st prize 2006) , Kaisaniemi in Helsinky (1st prize 2001) garden city of Hellerau (1st prize 1998), ex female concentration camp in Ravensbruck (1st prize 1998) and Hannover expo (4th prize 1996).

Lecturer 7
President, European Federation for Landscape Architecture. Vice-president, International Federation of Landscape Architects. Past president, the Landscape Institute, UK. Consultant Landscape Architect - specialist landscape manager. Nigel practices as an independent landscape consultant specialising in contract administration and project implementation. He has run his own specialist landscape management practice based in north London, UK, since the early 1990s. His clients include both national and international companies in both the private and public sectors. He teaches and lectures both nationally and internationally, promoting the profession across the globe.

Lecturer 7
Vicente Guallart is the Chief Architect of the city council of Barcelona and founder of the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), which he directed during its first 10 years. Vicente Guallart is a pioneer of interaction between nature, technology and architecture, proposing new paradigms based in urban, social and cultural conditions emerging from the information society. From this position, he has explored the emergence of a new kind of urban development linked to the concept of the Metàpolis (a term coined by the French sociologist François Ascher), as a discontinuous metropolis that calls for the project design of both the constructed and the natural. He also created his own professional studio, Guallart Architects, now directed by Maria Diaz, a widely recognized architectural practice achieving numerous international awards, as well as participating in several one-man and collective exhibitions. He is the author of numerous books, including GCeoLogics, Socióôpolis, Media House Project and Geocat, and co-author of the Metàpolis Dictionary of Advanced Architecture, the research study HiperCatalunya, and editor of the book Self-sufficient Housing.

Lecturer 7
Chief Architect of Expo Milano 2015, after having signed the Site Masterplan, is now Thematic Spaces Director. Research-worker and Assistant Professor in Landscape at Milan Politecnico. Graduated with honours, Phd in Urban Projects and Policies. Prizes and fellowship winner attended internationals seminars and study experiences at architectural firms e.g. Steven Holl, Albert Viaplana and Enric Miralles. Coordinator of Architecture&Land Ambient Design Laboratory carried on an intense research activity on urban and social landscape. City Planning advisor at Comune of Milano, he worked on the OMA/AMO Bovisa Masterplan and on the CityLife project with Daniel Libeskind, Zaha Hadid and Arata Isozaki. He exhibited at Venice Biennale 2002, 2004 and 2012 and at Beijing Biennal 2006. Writes on various reviews and periodicals of urbanism and architetcture.