7th Landscape Schools Award: International Jury

Jury School Prize 7
Ph.D Architect and Master 'Large Scale'. Vice dean of ETSAB, School of architecture of Barcelona, coordinator of the courses Project I-II and professor of the official Master of Architectural Department of ETSAB. Professor of the master 'Large Scale' at the UPC, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, visiting professor at UIC, she has been coordinating and teaching design studio in various international universities and she has been invited as jury's member both nationally and internationally. Research fellowships at the Princeton University School of Architecture and the Technische Universität München. The subject of her Ph.D thesis, 'Hybrid Architecture' , and her main publications, participation in conferences and major projects, conceived the architecture, landscape and infrastructure as inseparable realities.

Jury School Prize 7
Charles Anderson is a licensed Landscape Architect with over 30 years of experience in projects ranging from neighborhood parks to New York's American Museum of Natural History. He has a strong background in public process and has completed many community projects. Anderson has a specific interest in expressionistic landscape restoration and in the development of urban ecologies. Museum and cultural institution work is a key interest of Charles, including projects such as the visitor centers at Mount St. Helens, the Seattle Art Museum's Olympic Sculpture Park, and Anchorage Museum of History and Art expansion Project.

Jury School Prize
Zhang Tianxin has a bachelor’s degree in Architecture, a Master's Degree in Human Geography, and a PhD in Urban Engineering (majoring in Urban Design). He is currently a Lecturer at Peking University, Director of the Landscape and Urbanism Program at the Beijing School of Architecture and Landscape. His research interests include Urban Design, Landscape Planning and Heritage Conservation. He has been a visiting professor at several universities in Canada, an expert jury of international workshops in Russia and China, and has been invited to a number of countries such as Japan for teacher exchange. He is an expert in "Urban Planning Review", a member of the "International School Committee" in the China Urban Planning Society, and an analyst in the Web-Journal of Tourism and Cultural Studies (Hokkaido University, Japan). , publisher and special columnist at "Beijing City planning and Construction Review" and a member of several professional societies, including the Japan Institute of Architecture (AIJ). Some of his representative works include the World Heritagets Publishers (Sekaishisosha), Japan, 2007, as one of the editors, the Masterplan for Nanxijiang National Park, and the Lijiang Tourism and Conservation Research Old Town”.

Jury School Prize 7
Since 2011 Landscape Architect in Germany. Since 2009 Research Fellow/Assistant at the Faculty and Landscape Sciences, Professorship Designing Urban Landscapes, Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski. Project Manager "European Master in Landscape Architecture - EMiLA" at Leibniz University Hannover. Nomination "Award for excellent teaching at Leibniz University Hannover. Member of STUDIO URBANE LANDSCHAFTEN network for teaching, research, practice. 2007-2009 Landscape Architect at landscape Architects CmbH, Zurich. 2007 Landscape Architect at Vogt Architects, Zurich (CH). 2004-2006 Research Assistant at Leibniz University Hannover. 2000-2006 Studiy of Landscape Architecture and Open Space Planning at the University Of Hannover and Wageningen University (NL).

Victor Ténez Ybern is a Landscape Architect who studied architecture in Barcelona. After working in Rosa Barba’s office and collaborate with her on research issues, he has combined teaching, private and public practice. He has been Head of Coordination of Urban Planning in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and directed the plan of reclamation of fluvial spaces developing tasks of Management and Design and in his private practice focus in Urban and peri-urban Green structures with projects like the Green-Blue Network of the Biarritz-Bayonne Agglomeration in France, The Jordanal River Park in Panama, The Peace Park in Vicenza (Italy) the Ria Park in Santander or The Path of the Sea in Viladecans in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. He teaches Landscape Theory in and Landscape Design at the UPC in the same city. He is Full Visiting Professor at the Politecnico di Milano and Co-Director of the OC Summer School in the same institution. He has been invited by several Urban Planning and Landscape Universities like Penn, the RMIT of Melbourne or the UIAV of Venezia, and has given conferences on Landscape, Social Involvement and Sustainable City for institutions in the five continents. He publishes on the same issues.