9th Landscape Schools Award: International Jury

Lisa Diedrich

Lisa Diedrich studied architecture and urbanism in Paris, Marseille and Stuttgart, science journalism in Berlin, and landscape architecture at the University of Copenhagen, where she received her doctoral degree. She currently works as a professor of landscape architecture at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp/ Malmö and as editor-in-chief of the book series Landscape Architecture Europe (Fieldwork/ On Site/ In Touch/ On The Move) and as co-editor-in-chief, with Harry Harsema, of ’scape the international magazine for landscape architecture and urbanism.

Zhu Yufan

Jury School Prize 9

Professor, PHD Supervisor, Deputy Head of Department of Landscape Architecture School of Architecture, Tsinghua University. In 1997, Graduated from School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University and received Doctorate of Engineering Became the first Chinese PHD of Landscape Architecture. Visiting professor at Rome University (2003), MIT SPURS, Harvard GSD and Unversidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (2005). He has realized many excellent landscape projects in China and got international prizes. Such as his practice the Quarry Garden in the Chenshan Botanic Garden gained the 2012 ASLA General Design Award of Honor, 2011 BALI National Landscape Award (International Category).

Rafael Narbona

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Rafael Narbona is Horticultural Engineer graduated from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, member of the IFLA, and currently is the Spanish Association of Landscape Architects President. In 1988 he joined in Jose Dalmau S.L. Company, being delegate in Sevilla and had done the Guadalquivir park, and other projects for the Expo92. Subsequently, working in the Turia Gardens in Valencia. In 1991, he created his office: Paisajistas Asociados S.L. In 2004, he moved with his team to the Engineering Consulting Intercontrol Levante S.A., where he worked as Landscape Department Chief till 2013. He has participated in numerous of technical and scientific forums. Co-editor of Journal of Landscape Architecture with Horticulture. It is a permanent member of the jury of Iberflora Awards for the best final projects in landscaping.


Ilya Mochalov

Jury School Prize 9

Ilya Mochalov, leading Russian landscape architect. Partner, general director of “Ilya Mochalov and Partners”. First vice-president of the Association of landscape architects of Russia ALAROS; Secretary General of the International Federation of landscape architects (IFLA) in 2011-2015; Senior lecturer, faculty of landscape architecture of Moscow State Forestry University. Ilya Mochalov has been receiving the highest Russian professional award in landscape architecture in 2011, 2013, 2016 for the excellency and performance in projects in landscape architecture. He is often invited to speak in national and international conferences as a key-note speaker and expert.

Ellen Fetzer

Jury School Prize 9

Ellen Fetzer holds a diploma and a doctoral degree in landscape planning from Kassel University, Germany. Since 2001 she has been working at the school for landscape architecture, environmental and urban planning in Nürtigen (Stuttgart area, Germany). She is primarly coordinating an international master’s degree in landscape architecture (IMLA). The second focus of her work is in the Centre for University Didactics as an e-learning coordinator. Ellen works a lot in the field of computer supported collaborative learning and facilitates online seminars in international cooperations. She is vice-president of ECLAS, the European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools.

Lisa Diedrich - scape

Jury School Prize 8 and 9

Lisa Diedrich studied architecture and urbanism in Paris, Marseille and Stuttgart, science journalism in Berlin, and landscape architecture at the University of Copenhagen, where she received her doctoral degree. She currently works as a professor of landscape architecture at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp/ Malmö and as editor-in-chief of the book series Landscape Architecture Europe (Fieldwork/ On Site/ In Touch/ On The Move) and as co-editor-in-chief, with Harry Harsema, of ’scape the international magazine for landscape architecture and urbanism.

Carles Crosas

Jury School Prize 9

PhD Architect and Lecturer (ETSA Barcelona). Teaching Urbanism at the Barcelona School of Architecture since 2001 and invited to universities in Europe and America. Predoctoral Fellowship UPC-DUOT 2001-04 and researcher at the Barcelona Laboratory of Urbanism where he is coordinator and participant in various international projects on urban transformation, ecology and urban metabolism. Former collaborator and assistant teacher to Professor Manuel de Solà-Morales and Current Vice Dean for International Relations in ETSAB. Co-principal in SFCA studio, developing various scale designs, plans and competitions of landscape urbanism and architecture (sfcaa.com).

Enric Batlle

Jury School Prize 9

Enric Batlle founded in 1981, together with Joan Roig, BATLLEIROIG ARQUITECTES developing Building, Planning and Landscape projects. Master of Landscape Architecture and PhD of Architecture from 2002, is also Professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the UPC since 1982. Director of the Master of Landscape Architecture ETSAB - UPC and professor of Architecture Landscape Planning and Architecture Workshop in UPC - ETSAV. His work “El Jardín de la Metrópoli” (Ed. Gustavo Gili, 2011) was awarded with FAD Award in category of Theory and Criticism of Architecture in 2012, among others.

Juan Manuel Palerm

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Juan Manuel Salazar Palerm is PhD Architect and Head of department of Architectural Design at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He was director of the II and III Bienal de Arquitectura, Arte y Paisaje de Canarias (2008-2012). Since 2011 he is the director of the Observatorio del Paisaje de Canarias and since 2014 President of the Red de Universidades para la implementación de la Convención Europea del Paisaje (UNISCAPE). Founding member of the study Palerm&Tabares de Nava with his partner Leopoldo Tabares de Nava, they have done several projects of architecture, urbanism and landscape through professional assignments, competitions, exhibitions and publications.