11th Landscape Schools Award: International Jury

Tim Baird

School Prize Jury 11

Timothy Baird, FASLA, PLA is a licensed landscape architect, an ASLA Fellow, and Professor and Chair of the Department of Landscape Architecture at Cornell University. Baird’s ongoing research focuses on two areas: material expression in the designed landscape since the Modern era and environmental art and designed landscapes that were commissioned in land reclamation contexts.  

Brigitte Colin

School Prize Jury 11

Architect DPLG, joined UNESCO in 1982 in the cultural sector for the Arabian region, involving preservation projects for historic monuments and towns, archaeological research and technical assistance in museum development. She has been a programme specialist since 1995, in charge of intersectorial urban projects

Félix Solaguren

Schools Prize Jury 11

University professor, Department of Architectural Projects at ETSAB / UPC and Director of the Barcelona School of Architecture, UPC.

Lisa Mackenzie

School Prize Jury 11

Lisa Mackenzie is a Senior Lecturer in The Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture and a practicing Landscape Architect.   She has led on the development of the European Masters in Landscape Architecture for the University of Edinburgh for the last several years and is the Director of this highly innovative programme.

Philippe Poullaouec-Gonidec

School Prize Jury 11

Prize winner of Trudeau Rechearch Foundation in Canada, Philippe POULLAOUEC-GONIDEC is the holder and the founder of the UNESCO Chair in Urban Landscape at Université de Montreal (Canada). He is also the co-founder of the Chair in Landscape and Environmental Design at Université de Montréal (CPEUM).