12th Biennial 2023
TURN THE TIDE! A landscape-based strategy for resilient Knysna shoreline
Munich, Freising, Germany
Technical University of Munich
BERKELEY, United States
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Climate change adaptation and sustainable relocation strategies for Coffee Arabica:Building social,economic and ecological resilience for southwestern Ethiopian coffee sectors
Wuhan, China
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Magical Foodscape A Guidebook for Re-planning the Cities Based on the Culture, Food and the Built Environment-Xi'an;Wuhan;Shang hai
Shanghai, China
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Magical Foodscape: A Guidebook for Re-planning the Cities Based on the Culture, Food and the Built Environment-Chengdu Part
Shanghai, China
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Pandas' destiny still awaits: Establishing Panda corridors and coupling the human-nature system
Suzhou, China
Soochow University
Effetto Serra, Serre Salentine as a tool for post Xylella regeneration.
Ferrara, Italy
University of Ferrara
SETÚBAL, TOWARDS A NEW LAGOON - Adaptation proposal for a changing landscape, Santa Fe, Argentina
Ferrara, Italy
University of Ferrara
Mars underground : a Landscape Strategy for Long Term Human Colonies on the Red Planet
Ferrara, Italy
University of Ferrara