Landscape Schools Award: International Jury

João Ferreira Nunes


João Nunes is a Landscape Architect with a great passion for drawing and understanding the processes of the world. In 1985, he founded the PROAP studio which, according to his philosophy, approaches landscape themes in a broad sense, intervening in the processes that the project integrates, using inputs from various disciplines and considering the landscape as a process in continuous transformation. The professional activity and didactics intertwine and enrich each other, contributing to the development of new lines of research and experimentation. Visiting Professor at several international universities (Harvard GSD, UPenn, OSU, Pamplona, Versailles among others), he is Full Professor at the Academy of Architecture of Mendrisio and member of several scientific committees. In 2013 he was awarded the 1st Chair of Excellence “Adalberto Libera” and in 2017 with the Gagliarid Prize - Cittá di Asti. In 2010 he published the monograph “PROAP - Arquitectura Paisagista”(Note), which summarizes the first 25 years of the studio, and in 2011 is co-author of “Lost Competitions” (Proap Editions). In 2017 he was organizer and director of “Cagliari Paesaggio”. Projects developed by Proap have received several national and international awards and have been several times finalists for the Prize “Rosa Barba” at the Landscape Biennial of Barcelona.

Panita Karamanea


The main objective of her work is the holistic approach of space within the framework of ecological – sustainable design, the project’s integration in the landscape with respect to the unique qualities and memories of each location (genius loci), and the socio-cultural conditions of place. Among the special aims of her projects are the design solutions emphasising on a close connection to nature and its processes, on the natural dynamics and their biodiversity, on vegetation as a structural spatial element.  Conceiving built space and andscape as a unique entity might create places where humans feel involved, in harmony with their environment and are keen of taking the responsibility for its maintenance.

Estanislau Roca Blanch


Vice-rector of Infrastructure and Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, is an University Professor and professor in ETSAB for graduate and postgraduate subjects. He has been invited as a teacher in about twenty prestigious international universities. Quality Award for University Teaching at the UPC (2011) and Jaume Vicens Vives Award. International teaching evaluator since 2015. For three decades, he has been part of the final project for the ETSAB and, since 2012, as president. Research Professor of the Urban Planning Doctorate Program of the UPC, distinguished with the Mention of Excellence (MEE 2011-0730). Director of seven doctoral theses cum laude, among them, Urban corners in the territory with extraordinary PhD award. Triennial research  prize   Lluís Domènech i Muntaner, Europa Nostra honor medal and Alejandro de la Sota  Extraordinary Prize-20 Years of Biennials, modality of outdoor spaces: urban spaces, parks and  gardens, interventions in the landscape and urban planning. Author of about twenty research books and more than a hundred scientific articles, book chapters and papers presented at  international conferences. Reviewer of several indexed magazines. He has been the director of the Department of Town Planning and Planning of the UPC and has been awarded the National Urbanism Prize.