11th Biennial 2021

James Hayter

He is an architect trained in Great Britain, and an urban planner from Harvard University. He is the director of the office Oxygen Landscape Architects + Urban Designers, and a professor at the University of Adelaide, School of Architecture. His projects have received numerous awards and accolades, including the Canberra Central Parklands, the new Kingston Foreshores public area, and the Riverbank to Adelaide. President of IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects).

Félix Solaguren

Schools Prize Jury 11

University professor, Department of Architectural Projects at ETSAB / UPC and Director of the Barcelona School of Architecture, UPC.

Lisa Mackenzie

School Prize Jury 11

Lisa Mackenzie is a Senior Lecturer in The Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture and a practicing Landscape Architect.   She has led on the development of the European Masters in Landscape Architecture for the University of Edinburgh for the last several years and is the Director of this highly innovative programme.

Philippe Poullaouec-Gonidec

School Prize Jury 11

Prize winner of Trudeau Rechearch Foundation in Canada, Philippe POULLAOUEC-GONIDEC is the holder and the founder of the UNESCO Chair in Urban Landscape at Université de Montreal (Canada). He is also the co-founder of the Chair in Landscape and Environmental Design at Université de Montréal (CPEUM).

Kongjian Yu

Rosa Barba Jury 11

Kongjian Yu is a Chinese ecological urbanist, urban planner and landscape architect, professor of landscape architecture at Peking University (PKU) and the founder of the planning and design office Turenscape in Beijing. 

Judit Duaigües

Biennial International Team 10 and 11

Architect collaborator of  the International Biennial of Landscape Architecture.

Irma P. Olivares


Biennial International Team 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th edition

Collaborator of  the International Biennial of Landscape Architecture.

Aina Puig

Biennial International Team 10 and 11

Collaborator of  the International Biennial of Landscape Architecture.

Jordi Sardà

Jordi Sardà, 1951. Architect by the ETSAB-UPC, in 1982 post graduate in Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture in 1984. DUOT teacher of all courses of Planning and Landscape Theory and History of Master Degree of Landscape Architecture (MUP). He also teaches in Public Space and is responsible for the Final Master Thesis of Master of Landscape Architecture (MAP). Between 2007 and 2014 until present, professor of Projects and Urbanism of the EAR, at URV. His doctoral thesis “Només Imatges. La targeta postal vehicle de coneixement urbà”, investigates the relationships and capabilities of visual images-postcards to establish a collective reading of landscape and city. From his studio of Reus works in architecture, urbanism and landscape  projects and intervention in the built heritage buildings and in the city.

Jordi Bellmunt

Architect with a degree from ETSAB in 1980; he has been a professor in the Departament d’Urbanisme i Ordenació del Territori (UPC) since 1982. Professor in the Master’s Program in Landscape Architecture at the UPC since 1987. Director of the Master’s Program in Landscape Architecture (UPC) since 2000. Deputy director of the ETSAB from 1997 to 2006 and director of the Graduat Superior course in Landscape Architecture at the UPC from 2000 to 2006. Has helped organize the International Landscape Biennial of Barcelona on 9 occasions since 1999. Adviser to the Barcelona City Council and to COAC’s Oficina de Paisatge. Medalla Col•legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya 2010.Visiting professor at various universities and cultural institutions around the world since 1980. Founder together with Agata Buscemi of B2B Arquitectes.