9th Biennal 2016

Lisa Diedrich - scape

Jury School Prize 8 and 9

Lisa Diedrich studied architecture and urbanism in Paris, Marseille and Stuttgart, science journalism in Berlin, and landscape architecture at the University of Copenhagen, where she received her doctoral degree. She currently works as a professor of landscape architecture at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp/ Malmö and as editor-in-chief of the book series Landscape Architecture Europe (Fieldwork/ On Site/ In Touch/ On The Move) and as co-editor-in-chief, with Harry Harsema, of ’scape the international magazine for landscape architecture and urbanism.

Carles Crosas

Jury School Prize 9

PhD Architect and Lecturer (ETSA Barcelona). Teaching Urbanism at the Barcelona School of Architecture since 2001 and invited to universities in Europe and America. Predoctoral Fellowship UPC-DUOT 2001-04 and researcher at the Barcelona Laboratory of Urbanism where he is coordinator and participant in various international projects on urban transformation, ecology and urban metabolism. Former collaborator and assistant teacher to Professor Manuel de Solà-Morales and Current Vice Dean for International Relations in ETSAB. Co-principal in SFCA studio, developing various scale designs, plans and competitions of landscape urbanism and architecture (sfcaa.com).

Enric Batlle

Jury School Prize 9

Enric Batlle founded in 1981, together with Joan Roig, BATLLEIROIG ARQUITECTES developing Building, Planning and Landscape projects. Master of Landscape Architecture and PhD of Architecture from 2002, is also Professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the UPC since 1982. Director of the Master of Landscape Architecture ETSAB - UPC and professor of Architecture Landscape Planning and Architecture Workshop in UPC - ETSAV. His work “El Jardín de la Metrópoli” (Ed. Gustavo Gili, 2011) was awarded with FAD Award in category of Theory and Criticism of Architecture in 2012, among others.

Juan Manuel Palerm

Jury School Prize 8 and 9 

Juan Manuel Salazar Palerm is PhD Architect and Head of department of Architectural Design at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He was director of the II and III Bienal de Arquitectura, Arte y Paisaje de Canarias (2008-2012). Since 2011 he is the director of the Observatorio del Paisaje de Canarias and since 2014 President of the Red de Universidades para la implementación de la Convención Europea del Paisaje (UNISCAPE). Founding member of the study Palerm&Tabares de Nava with his partner Leopoldo Tabares de Nava, they have done several projects of architecture, urbanism and landscape through professional assignments, competitions, exhibitions and publications.

Eduardo Cadaval

Jury Rosa Barba 9

Eduardo Cadaval is a founding partner of Cadaval&Solà-Morales. Architect from the Universidad Nacional de México and MBA from Harvard University. Associate Professor since 2006 in ETSAB, UPC. His work has won many international awards including among others: Bauwelt Prize (Munich), Young Architects Award from the COAC (Barcelona), Design Vanguard Award (New York), mention of young architecture of the IX Spanish Biennial of Architecture (Madrid), Silver Medal of the XI Biennial of Mexican Architecture (Mexico City), VIII Biennial of Ibero-american Architecture Award (Cádiz) and International FAD 2016 award (Barcelona). Cadaval has also been a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Barcelona program at the University of Calgary, the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, the Career Discovery of Harvard University program and the Boston Architectural Center.

Anuradha Mathur

Jury Rosa Barba 9

Anuradha Mathur, an architect and landscape architect, is Professor in the Landscape Architecture Department, University of Pennsylvania. In collaboration with her partner Dilip da Cunha she is author of Mississippi Floods: Designing a Shifting Landscape (2001), Deccan Traverses: the Making of Bangalore’s Terrain (2006) and Soak: Mumbai in an Estuary (2009), and co-editor of Design in the Terrain of Water (2014). In 2011 and 2012 Mathur and da Cunha curated an international symposium titled In the Terrain of Water, held at PennDesign. (http://terrain.design.upenn.edu/about). In 2013/2014 they led a PennDesign Team for the project Structures of Coastal Resilience supported by the Rockefeller Foundation (www.structuresofcoastalresilience.org).

James Corner

Juray Rosa Barba 9

James Corner is an internationally renowned landscape architect. Based in New York City, his firm’s projects include New York’s widely acclaimed High Line; Seattle’s Central Waterfront; Tongva Park in Santa Monica; London’s South Park Plaza at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park; Chicago’s Navy Pier; and the new Presidio Parklands in San Francisco. He is known for a special commitment to the design of a vibrant and dynamic public realm, informed by the ecology of both people and nature. James has been published and exhibited internationally, and has been recognized with significant design awards, including the National Design Award; the American Academy of Arts and Letters; and the Daimler-Chrysler Award for Design Innovation.

Irma P. Olivares


Biennial International Team 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th edition

Collaborator of  the International Biennial of Landscape Architecture.

Qian Liyuan

Colaborator 9 and 10

Lecturer of Southwest jiaotong university. Phd graduated from Department of Architectural Representation and Visual Analysis, ETSAB-UPC. Mater and Landscape of Bachelor graduated from  Sichuan Agricultural University.

Wu Huan

Collaborator 9 and 10

Architect by Tsinghua University of Beijing and Ph.d. candidate DUOT (UPC).