8th Biennial 2014

Jury Rosa Barba 8
Ricard Pié Ninot received the Ph.D. in Architecture from the School of Architecture of Barcelona (UPC). He is Full Professor of Urbanism and Regional Planning at the School of Architecture of the Vallès (UPC). From 2005 to 2008 he was the first Director of the new School of Architecture of Malaga (EAM). In the year 2003, he was awarded the Catalonian Town Planning Prize, for the Revision of the Master Plan of Torroella de Montgrí. He has led with Josep M. Vilanova the Territorial Sectorial Housing Plan for the Housing Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Jury Rosa Barba 8
Educated as a landscape architect at the University of Wageningen (1978), Michael van Gessel is active in the broader field of landscape architecture and urbanism.Since 1997 he has worked as an independent advisor. Prior to this he was employed for eighteen years at Bureau B+B (urbanism and landscape architecture), the last seven as its director.he mostly specializes in large scale urban planning and landscape architecture projects,which include working on new parks, the renovation of old city parks and estates, designing gardens for buildings, and envisioning schemes for large regional areas.

Jury School Prize 8 and 9
Rafael Narbona is Horticultural Engineer graduated from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, member of the IFLA, and currently is the Spanish Association of Landscape Architects President. In 1988 he joined in Jose Dalmau S.L. Company, being delegate in Sevilla and had done the Guadalquivir park, and other projects for the Expo92. Subsequently, working in the Turia Gardens in Valencia. In 1991, he created his office: Paisajistas Asociados S.L. In 2004, he moved with his team to the Engineering Consulting Intercontrol Levante S.A., where he worked as Landscape Department Chief till 2013. He has participated in numerous of technical and scientific forums. Co-editor of Journal of Landscape Architecture with Horticulture. It is a permanent member of the jury of Iberflora Awards for the best final projects in landscaping.

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Lisa Diedrich studied architecture and urbanism in Paris, Marseille and Stuttgart, science journalism in Berlin, and landscape architecture at the University of Copenhagen, where she received her doctoral degree. She currently works as a professor of landscape architecture at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp/ Malmö and as editor-in-chief of the book series Landscape Architecture Europe (Fieldwork/ On Site/ In Touch/ On The Move) and as co-editor-in-chief, with Harry Harsema, of ’scape the international magazine for landscape architecture and urbanism.

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Juan Manuel Salazar Palerm is PhD Architect and Head of department of Architectural Design at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He was director of the II and III Bienal de Arquitectura, Arte y Paisaje de Canarias (2008-2012). Since 2011 he is the director of the Observatorio del Paisaje de Canarias and since 2014 President of the Red de Universidades para la implementación de la Convención Europea del Paisaje (UNISCAPE). Founding member of the study Palerm&Tabares de Nava with his partner Leopoldo Tabares de Nava, they have done several projects of architecture, urbanism and landscape through professional assignments, competitions, exhibitions and publications.

Victor Ténez Ybern is a Landscape Architect who studied architecture in Barcelona. After working in Rosa Barba’s office and collaborate with her on research issues, he has combined teaching, private and public practice. He has been Head of Coordination of Urban Planning in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and directed the plan of reclamation of fluvial spaces developing tasks of Management and Design and in his private practice focus in Urban and peri-urban Green structures with projects like the Green-Blue Network of the Biarritz-Bayonne Agglomeration in France, The Jordanal River Park in Panama, The Peace Park in Vicenza (Italy) the Ria Park in Santander or The Path of the Sea in Viladecans in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. He teaches Landscape Theory in and Landscape Design at the UPC in the same city. He is Full Visiting Professor at the Politecnico di Milano and Co-Director of the OC Summer School in the same institution. He has been invited by several Urban Planning and Landscape Universities like Penn, the RMIT of Melbourne or the UIAV of Venezia, and has given conferences on Landscape, Social Involvement and Sustainable City for institutions in the five continents. He publishes on the same issues.

Andreja Tutundzic works at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Department of the Landscape Architecture and Horticulture. Andreja has been working at the Town Planning Institute of Belgrade, among other projects on the development of the awarded Spatial and Master plans of Belgrade for 2021, as well as on defining of the contents and procedure for Belgrade biotope mapping. He is co- author of the Typology of Belgrade Landscapes for the Need of the Implementation of the ELC. His current research interests focus on education in landscape architecture, large-scale landscape design and green infrastructure planning. In the recent time, he was also engaged in the projects related to the issues of migrant crises. In those areas, he participated in many projects, including EU funded projects such as TEMPUS, ERASMUS and UNDP Cross Border Cooperation Programme. He was elected as IFLA Committee Chair on Education and Academic Affairs in two terms from 2014 to 2018 and was Former Vice President of the European Federation for Landscape Architecture (EFLA 2008-2011). Andreja is also a member of the IFLA Europe School Recognition Panel, and member of the Executive board of the Serbian Association of Landscape Architects (UPAS/SALA).

Anna Zahonero Xifré, Biologist (UB) and Master of Landscape Architecture (UPC). Professor at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the UPC since 2001 developing, mainly, her docent assignments in landscaping, and research tasks in CRPP_ UPC. Since 1993 operates as professional in studies and the design of the landscape and the environment. Remarkable projects on landscape and ecological integration of certain uses in particular areas with strong pre-existences, the reporting on environmental for urban and regional planning and the writing of landscape projects where ecological processes are the base.

Maria Goula is Associate Professor at the Landscape Architecture Department, CALS, Cornell University. She is also adjunct researcher at the Institute for Research Habitat, Territory and Tourism”, ihtt, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and University of Málaga, developing research on coastal tourism, especially in regard to the interpretation of leisure patterns and coastal dynamics. Foundation member of the International Landscape Architecture Biennial in Barcelona since 2000. Awards: Extraordinary PhD Award UPC in the field of Landscape Design theory in 2009 with her thesis "The other landscapes; readings of the variable image", thesis Directors Rosa Barba, M. de Solà-Morales. Leader, with Jamie Vanucchi, of the “Upstate Archipelago” team Cornell University, [advisors landscape architect Frank Talsma from H+N+S, The Netherlands, and Professor emeritus Ricard Pié]. The design team is one of the finalists for the “Reimagining the New York Canals” state design competition June 2018.