2nd Biennal 2001

João Gomes da Silva

Lecturer 2 and 3

João Gomes da Silva (Lisbon, 1962) studied landscape Architecture at the University of Evora (1979-1985). Since 1990, he has lectured at various universities and schools: Technical University of Berlin, National School of Landscape Architecture at Versailles, the University of Girona and the University of Brasilia, among Others. ln 2001, he was chosen as member of the jury for the Grand Prix du Paysage, of the French Ministry of the Environment. Since 2000, he has been Vice President of the APAP (Portuguese Association of Landscape Architects).

Joaquim Español

Lecturer 2 and 3

Joaquim Español is an architect and staff lecturer at the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB). His joint work with Francesc Hereu has been recognised by various exhibitions, prizes (FAD Prize for Architecture, 2nd European Prize for Public Space) and publications, the most recent of which is “F. Hereu-J. Espanol. 10 anys d'Arquitectura”. ln his research he has explored fields such as formal languages (1973 National Architecture Prize) and form construction techniques (1996 Extraordinary Doctorate Prize). He has published articles, monographs and books, including: El orden fràgil de la Arquitectura, Invitación a la Arquitectura and Arquitectes en el paisatge, and two volumes of poetry, which have also received prizes. He is now Director of Urban Plans and Designs of Barcelona City Council.

Elisabeth K. Meyer

Lecturer 2 and 5

Elizabeth K. Meyer has lectured internationally and published widely on topics concerning landscape design theory. Meyer’s teaching and scholarly interests focus on three areas: the recovery and examination of modern landscape theory, the establishment of a contemporary practice of landscape criticism, and the idea of design as site interpretation. Meyer joined the UVA faculty in 1993, and has served as Landscape Architecture Department Chair and Director of the Graduate Landscape Architecture Program. Previously, Meyer taught at Harvard and Cornell. She is nationally recognized as an outstanding scholar and teacher, with honors and awards from the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA), the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), and the University of Virginia. Meyer worked for EDAW and Hanna/Olin in the 1980s. Since then, she has consulted with several landscape architecture fi rms including Michael Vergason and Van Valkenburgh Associates.

Marc Claramunt

Jury Rosa Barba 1, 2 , 3 and 4

Born August 9th, 1961 in Courbevoie (Hauts-de-Seine, France). Study landscape in DPLG (ENSP Versailles). He is co-founder and co-editor with Catherine Mosbach of the review Paysages Pages since 1986. Directs Phusis atelier, landscape architects in Paris since 1990. He is Landscape architect in the National committee since 1995. Associate professor of the National School of nature and landscape of Blois from 1999. He is also a delegate of the FFP at IFLA Europe Region.

Carles Llop

Lecturer 2 and 7

PhD Architect, Professor and Director of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Member and founder of JORNET_LLOP_PASTOR Architects, with whom he has received, amongst others, the following acknowledgment: National Planning Award 2006 from the Spanish Ministry of Housing for the plan of "La Mina" neighborhood's transformation in Sant Adrià de Besos (Barcelona). The Catalonia Prize for Urban Development 2009 for the plan of economic activity of "Ca n'Alemany" in Viladecans (Barcelona). The European Prize for Urban Development 2010 (EUROPEAN URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING Achievement Award 2010), awarded by the European Council of Town Planners of Regions and the European Union for "La Mina" neighborhood's transformation in Sant Adrià de Besos (Barcelona). Planning Award of XI Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennale 2011 for the Municipal Urban Development plan of Montemeló (Barcelona).

Gilles Vexlard

Lecturer 2 and 7

Landscape Architect, co-founder with L. Vacherot landscape architect DPLG of Latitude Nord Studio, one of the most awarded Landscape professionals (National Grand Prix in Germany, in France and 1st «International Urban Landscape Award»), Professor at ENSP in Versailles.

Ramon Torra

Ramon Torra is an architect from the ETSAB (1980). He is manager of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area since July 2011 (between 2008 and 2011 called the Association of Municipalities of the AMB). CEO of IMPSOL since October 2008. He has been a municipal architect and Director of Territorial Services at the Granollers City Council (1982-1992).

As Director of Technical Services of the Association of Municipalities of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona, ​​the projects developed under his direction that have received different professional recognitions: FAD Awards in different editions, Catalonia Construction Award 2007, ATEG 2002 Awards, International Prize Barbara Cappochin 2005 (Padova), Prize AIA Continental Europe 2000, Construmat Prize 2007, II Rosa Barba Landscape Prize 2000 and 2002, among others.

He drafted different planning figures, such as the General Plan for Granollers, Partial and Special Plans among others, as well as various public space and architectural projects.


Manuel Ribas Piera

Jury Rosa Barba 1 and 2

Born in Barcelona, 1925. Doctor of Architecture from the ETSAB, founder of the master's degree course in Landscape at the Department of Urbanism and Town and Country Planning, UPC, Emeritus Professor. Author of Vallparadis Park in Terrassa. He has published the book Jardins de Catalunya.

Peter Latz

Jury Rosa Barba 2 and 3

Born in Darmstadt, 7939. Graduate from the Technical University of Munich in 1964 and studied urban planning at the RWTH in Aachen. Since 1968, he has worked as a landscape architect and urbanist, specialising recently in the regeneration of former industrial areas. Since 1983, he has occupied the chair of Landscape Architecture and Planning at the TU of Munich. ln 1999, he was awarded the Rosa Barba Prize.

Martí Boada

Lecturer 2, 3 and 8

Professor and researcher in the Department of Geography, and the Science and Environmental Technology Institute (ICTA) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Main fields of research: global environmental change; urban and forest biodiversity; environmental communication. In 1995, he received the 500 Global Prize of United Nations.