1st Executive comission

Gerard García-Ventosa

Born in Barcelona, 1951. ETSAB-trained architect and Doctor. Professor at the ETSAB from 1977 to 1990, and guest lecturer at the Escola Massana and on different doctorate courses at the ETSAB and in La Coruña. He founded his own practice in 1977. Since 1994 he has been Director of Culture at the C.O.A.C. Finalist of CONSTRUMAT'91 award for the best new building. Among his recent works is the Purification Plant of El Maresme Nord. 


Rosa Barba

Barcelona, 1948-2000. She gained a doctor's degree in Architecture from the ETSAB and is currently Director of the Master's and Landscape Studies Courses at the School. ln 1971 she set up her own practice with Ricard Pié Ninot, with whom she has drawn up different urbanistic plans, studies and projects related to the Coast, Tourism and Landscape. She has organized and participated in different courses and published books and articles in specialized magazines on landscape issues and regional development. 


Jordi Bellmunt

Architect with a degree from ETSAB in 1980; he has been a professor in the Departament d’Urbanisme i Ordenació del Territori (UPC) since 1982. Professor in the Master’s Program in Landscape Architecture at the UPC since 1987. Director of the Master’s Program in Landscape Architecture (UPC) since 2000. Deputy director of the ETSAB from 1997 to 2006 and director of the Graduat Superior course in Landscape Architecture at the UPC from 2000 to 2006. Has helped organize the International Landscape Biennial of Barcelona on 9 occasions since 1999. Adviser to the Barcelona City Council and to COAC’s Oficina de Paisatge. Medalla Col•legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya 2010.Visiting professor at various universities and cultural institutions around the world since 1980. Founder together with Agata Buscemi of B2B Arquitectes.

Alfred Fndz de la Reguera

Architect. He gained his degree in Architecture at the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB), specializing in Urbanism. He lectures in Projects on the master’s degree course in Landscape Architecture at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.He was awarded with the National Urbanism Prize of the Ministry of Public Works and Urbanism. He received a research grant from the Paul Getty Foundation.Construction and landscaping projects. Territorial and urban planning. Adviser of the Office of Landscape of the Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC).