4th Scientific Comittee

Teresa Bofill i Gorina

Teresa Bofill graduated from the Arts Faculty of the University of Barcelona with a degree in General History. She set up and is now General Director of the Association of Friends of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (AAUPC), a body that currently has 4,022 associates, 262 of them companies. The Association’s mission is to create a bridge between the university and society, promoting and increasing two-way connection. Since it was founded, the AAUPC has awarded the Rosa Barba Award of the European Landscape Biennial. Previously she organised the 1st European Biennial of Cultural Heritage and was in charge of the secretariat of the Congress of Cultural Heritage and Sponsorship organized by the University of Barcelona. She also managed the firm ESTRI, Heritage and Archaeology Services.

Enric Batlle

Jury School Prize 9

Enric Batlle founded in 1981, together with Joan Roig, BATLLEIROIG ARQUITECTES developing Building, Planning and Landscape projects. Master of Landscape Architecture and PhD of Architecture from 2002, is also Professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the UPC since 1982. Director of the Master of Landscape Architecture ETSAB - UPC and professor of Architecture Landscape Planning and Architecture Workshop in UPC - ETSAV. His work “El Jardín de la Metrópoli” (Ed. Gustavo Gili, 2011) was awarded with FAD Award in category of Theory and Criticism of Architecture in 2012, among others.

Maria Goula

Maria Goula is Associate Professor at the Landscape Architecture Department, CALS, Cornell University. She is also adjunct researcher at the Institute for Research Habitat, Territory and Tourism”, ihtt, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and University of Málaga, developing research on coastal tourism, especially in regard to the interpretation of leisure patterns and coastal dynamics. Foundation member of the International Landscape Architecture Biennial in Barcelona since 2000. Awards: Extraordinary PhD Award UPC in the field of Landscape Design theory in 2009 with her thesis  "The other landscapes; readings of the variable image", thesis Directors  Rosa Barba, M. de Solà-Morales. Leader, with Jamie Vanucchi, of the “Upstate Archipelago” team Cornell University, [advisors landscape architect Frank Talsma from H+N+S, The Netherlands, and Professor emeritus Ricard Pié]. The design team is one of the finalists for the “Reimagining the New York Canals” state design competition June 2018.

Sara Bartumeus

M.Arch. School of Architecture of Barcelona and M.L.A., UPC. Sara Bartumeus is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Architecture-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US. Also teaches in Barcelona, both in the Master in Landscape Architecture-UPC (since 1997) and in the Urbanism and Territorial Planning Department-ETSAV (since 2004). She has been a researcher for the LUB-Laboratori d’Urbanisme de Barcelona and a member of the Architecture Committee-Barcelona City Council and of the Advisory Committee in Urban Planning and Landscape-COAC. As principal of Renau Bartumeus Arquitectes, her professional work has involved planning, landscape and architecture projects--social housing, public space, community facilities and exhibition design- -and has been locally and internationally exhibited, published and recognized by public competitions and awards. Her trans-disciplinary research focuses on landscape thresholds, public and collective spaces, that enhance city’s livability, foster community and collective identity and benefit environmental and social cohesion.