4th Lecturers

Brigitte Scholz

Lecturer 4

Qualified as an engineer in Landscape and Land Use Planning. 1996-1999: Collaborator on the research project “A cooperative approach to limited resources” with Professor Dr Klaus Selle, University of Hannover. 1999-2000: Urban Development, Conservation of the Environment and Communications, Berlin. Since April 2000: Internationale Bauausstellung (IBA) Fürst-Pückler-Land. Project leader focusing on new landscapes after mining: forms of work and organization, and project management.

Rolf Kuhn

Lecturer 4

Qualified as an engineer in Territorial and Town Planning. 1970-1977: Collaborator with the Construction Academy in Berlin. 1977-1987: Assistant and lecturer at the Weimar School of Ar chitecture and Construction. 1978: Doctor of Engineering in Urban Development. 1985: Dr. sc. Phil. in Sociology of the City. 1987-1998: Director of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation1998-2000: Manager of the company that organizes the IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land. Since 2000 Manager of the Internationale Bauausstellung (IBA) Fürst-Pückler-Land GmbH.

Ryue Nishizawa-SANAA

Lecturer 4

Ryue Nishizawa. Born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1966. Graduated from Yokohama National University with Masters Degree in Architecture in 1990. Joined Kazuyo Sejima & Associates. Established SANAA with Kazuyo Sejima (1995). Established Office of Ryue Nishizawa (1997). Associate Profesor at Yokohama National University (2001-).

Kazuyo Sejima - SANAA

Lecturer 4

Kazuyo Sejima. Born in Ibaraki Prefecture in 1956. Graduated from Japan Women’s University with Masters Degree in Architecture in 1981. Joined Toyo Ito & Associates. Established Kazuyo Sejima & Associates (1987). Established SANAA with Ryue Nishizawa (1995). Professor at Keio University (2001-).

Claude Figureau

Lecturer 4

Claude Figureau is a botanist and autodidact. He is an engineer, Director of the Jardin des plantes de Nantes, Honorary President of Jardins botaniques de France et des pays Francophones, Vice President of the Société des Sciences naturelles de l’Ouest de la France, and member of the Conseil scientifique du Conservatoire Botanique National de Brest and the Conseil scientifique du patrimoine naturel des pays de la Loire. He has carried out numerous projects on the cyanobacteria and bryophytes (Prize of the Fondation de France) and tropical epiphytes (Special prize of the Jury scientifique de Sciences et vie / Leitz). He took part in a mission to the peaks of the Cameroon and cooperation projects in Bolivia, in the Martin Cardenas botanical garden. He has produced works and publications on landscape diagnosis and determining the biological value of a site. Conferences and courses at various universities.

Juurlink en Geluk

Lecturer 4

Born in 1964 in the Netherlands. Landscape designer / International Agrarian Highschool Larenstein Boskoop graduated in landscape design. Architect, urbanism/ Academy for Architecture, Rotterdam graduated in architecture and urbanism. 1995-now: owner/director of juurlink en geluk landscape and urbanism (1993). 1993-1994: architect at the department of urban planning in Amsterdam. 1990-1993: designer at West 8 landscape architects in Rotterdam. 1989: designer at the Floriade in Zoetermeer. 1999-2004: Teaches at Academy for Architecture Rotterdam, Amsterdam. 1995-2000: Guestlectures and symposia different universities (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Wageningen, Velp, Gent, London). Participation in symposiums.


Pascal Convert

Lecturer 4

Pascal Convert is a plastic artist. In 1989, he was artist in residence at the Villa Medici. Georges Didi-Huberman has written a book on his work (La demeure, la souche, 1998). He was guest artist at the Studio National du Fresnoy in 1999. In 2000, he, together with a group of artists, students, academics and TV technicians, founded the Artistes & Associés association to “film the work of art”. He has shown work in numerous exhibitions: Louisiana Museum, Copenhagen. (As part of the Jean Nouvel exhibition) 2005; De Mémoire, Le Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts, Tourcoing (Curator: Philippe Dagen); 2003 L’empreinte, Mnam, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (Curator: Georges Didi-Huberman), 1997. His extensive filmography: 1997, 2003, 2004 Direct Indirect, Video installation; 2005 La Madone de Bentahla, documentary, 52 min; 2005 L’Alpeh, on the filmic imaginary of Jean Nouvel, followed by an interview between Bernard Stiegler-Jean Nouvel, Commissioned by the Louisiana Museum, Copenhagen.

Julian Raxworthy

Lecturer 4

Landscape architect. He graduated from RMIT, Australia, with both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s research degree (by design). He practiced with Aspect Melbourne until 2003, where he was Design Manager, and co-founder of Aspect Sydney. He was a Senior Lecturer at RMIT until 2004, teaching design and history & theory. He has been an examiner for University of New South Wales, Australia and UNITEC, New Zealand and a Research Fellow at University of Western Australia. He is currently undertaking his PhD at the University of Queensland, concerning “change” in landscape architecture. He writes regularly for Monument, Architecture Australia and Architectural Review Australia, about contemporary landscape projects. In 2004, a book he co-edited with Jessica Blood, The MESH Book: Landscape & Infrastructure, was published by RMIT Press. Recently, he was guest editor for issue 95 edition of Architectural Review Australia.

Stig Andersson

Lecturer 4

Architect. Born in 1957. Founding Creative Director and Partner of SLA A/S, Copenhagen. Founded by Stig L. Andersson in 1994 SLA ranks among the leading Scandina vian architectural practices in site and landscape planning. The offi ce has won numerous competitions in Denmark and abroad such as Master plan for Valby Sports Park, Copenhagen, Bjørvika city centre, Oslo; Frederiksberg’s New Squares, Copenhagen; Elephants land scape, Copen hagen Zoo and Ankar Park, Malmö. He has published books and articles on landscape and urban planning and exhibited in Denmark and internationally. In 2002 he was awarded both the European Landscape Award and the Royal Danish Academy’s Eckersberg Medal.

Jerôme Bouterin

Lecturer 4

Was born in Villemomble in 1960. He lives and works in Paris. 1978-81 Villa Arson, Nice. 1982-87 Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage, Versailles. Chartered landscape architect. Part-time lecturer at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage de Versailles (ENSP), since 1995. Senior lecturer at the School of Architecture and Landscape in Lille, since 2005. Lecturer in art at the Ecole d’Architecture de Versailles, since 2004. Exhibitions (selection): Paintings and works on papers, Bruno Marina Gallery, New York, USA; 2005 Galerie Bernard Jordan, Paris; 2004 Malerei with Bertold Mathes, Germany and France; 2002 Taché-Lévy Gallery, Brussels, Belgium; 2002 Un peu de temps pur, with Marian Breedveld, Frac de Haute-Normandie, France; 2001 Abbaye SaintAndré, Centre d’art contemporain, Meymac; 2001 Les absences du modeleur, Villa Arson, Nice, 1994-95.