5th Lecturers

Lecturer 1 and 5
Barcelona 1939-2012. Architect and urban planner, specifi cally dedicated to the subject of urban design. Student of Ludovico Quaroni in Rome and Josep Lluis Sert at Harvard. Professor of Urban Planning at the School of Architecture of Barcelona. Founder and director of the Urban Planning Laboratory of Barcelona since 1968, a group researching urban morphology. He has given courses in urban design at universities in Cambridge (UK), New York, Santiago (Chile), Lisbon, Harvard, Lovaina, Milan, Naples, Caracas, Coimbra, Paris, Nanjing, Shanghai, Melbourne, Copenhagen, etc… Director of the Master’s courses entitled “Planning the periphery” (1991- 95). Director of the School of Architecture of Barcelona from 1994 to 1998. Fellow of the University of Cambridge, UK (1984). Member of the French Academy of Architecture (2003). Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Lovaina (2004).