Juan Luis Rivas Navarro and Belén Bravo Rodríguez

The architects Juan Luis Rivas Navarro (Seville, 1975) and Belén Bravo Rodríguez (Jaén, 1981), are lectures of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DUOT) of the University of Granada. They combine their teaching and research activity, with their professional activity through the Arquitecturas Urbanas studio. 

They have received several awards in competitions of national and international, such as the 1st prize in "Flowpolis. The shape of the nodal space "(Gran Canaria, 2006) or the 1st prize for the contest" Strategies of Dynamization and Recovery of the Historic Site of Jaén "(2012). They have been also the coordinators of the 6th Sustainable Development Symposium, held at the ETSA of Granada in June 2016.

Juan Luis Rivas is an architect of the 1st promotion of the UGR (2000), and researcher since his graduation in the Laboratory of Urban and Regional Planning and of the UGR. Doctor in Urbanism for this university (2009) with the thesis "The most transparent traverse. The vision of Córdoba, Málaga, and Granada from its street city", being part of the team that constituted the DUOT, in turn teaching postgraduate classes since the beginning of the Official Masters in Urban Planning and Landscape of the UGR. Since his academic activity, he has participated in numerous teaching publications, research projects and plans such as the Historic Center Plan of Santa Fe (Granada) or in the Projects of Excellence INTEGRAME and PLANPAÍS. You can find his publications in journals such as EURE, D'UR, Cities, Spaces & Flows, as well as in the DIGIBUG catalog of the UGR. He has been invited by several European universities such as the Technical University of Lisbon, the FAUP of Oporto, Roma Tre, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Faculty of Architecture of Belgrade (Serbia) or Banja Luka (BiH).

Belén Bravo Rodríguez, is an architect from the UGR since 2007, year in which she joins the Urban Planning and Land Planning Laboratory. In 2015 she became a PhD in Urban Planning for the UGR with the thesis "The domestic city. The construction of the first periphery south of Granada ". He has participated in the main research works of LUOT, as well as in courses, seminars, workshops and congresses in Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona, Lisbon, Belgrade, etc. In this academic year is also incorporated into the faculty staff of the Master of the Degree in Architecture of the UGR.