Kuzubağ Winery

Kuzubağ Winery

Kuzubağ Winery

Kuzubağ Winery

Kuzubağ Winery: A Harmonious Blend of Nature and Architecture

Located at the heart of Denizli's Çal Region, Kuzubağ Winery stands as a beacon in Turkey's wine production landscape. With its exclusive location and unparalleled dedication to showcasing the unique geomorphological features of the area, Kuzubağ emerges as the frontrunner in the Çal Winery Route.

At the core of our project lies the desire to celebrate the extraordinary interplay between the natural landscape and the surrounding textures. Our cautious approach in landscaping efforts has seamlessly integrated with Kuzubağ's architectural design, creating a mesmerizing fusion of man-made and natural elements.

As visitors approach, they are greeted by the enchanting Vineyard Road – Cypress, which guides them toward the entrance. The careful placement of landscape elements has resulted in a tectonic topography that links the entrance, courtyard, amphitheater, and terrace, providing a harmonious flow throughout the site. Along the pathway, indigenous plants of the region flourish, offering a sensory experience with their vibrant colors and captivating textures. The use of soil, concrete, and earth-toned hues for the concrete treatment enhances the unique aesthetic, seamlessly blending the building with its surroundings and allowing visitors to see the interrelationship of the entire pattern.

The landscape surrounding Kuzubağ fosters a profound sense of "belonging" making visitors feel at one with the site and the building. Rather than demanding attention, the landscape gracefully influences the architecture, effortlessly integrating with the context.

The ascent to the upper elevation of the building is surrounded by a water element, serving as a symbolic representation of the vineyard's irrigation system. The tectonic structure of the project enables the removal of water from the building. As one transition between elevations, the corten water channel faithfully traces the paths of the users. This element delicately meanders through the courtyard, seamlessly connecting various spaces and imparting the atmosphere with a calm aura. The selection of materials for the courtyard, coupled with the inclusion of a grand olive tree standing at its core, not only reflects the light but also anchors the user, establishing a profound connection with the earth. The elevation disparities within this structure, which is discreetly nestled within the plain of the tectonic arrangement, remain imperceptible. This singular tree stands as a testament to the distinctive texture of the ground, exalting the very essence of the region. Moreover, the utilization of local materials throughout the composition reinforces the alliance between the building and the characteristic geomorphology of the Çal Region.

Kuzubağ stands as a testament to the perfect relation between nature and architecture. It invites visitors to embark on a journey of sensory exploration, embracing the rich cultural heritage of the Çal Region. With its unrivaled location, meticulously designed landscape, and thoughtful integration with the surrounding environment, Kuzubağ Winery has earned its position as the leader of the Çal Winery Route, leaving an indelible mark on Turkey's viticultural landscape.

38.135254, 29.4005185

Año de concepción del proyecto
Año de finalización de la obra
Subcategoria premio
Jardines espacios de infraestructuras públicas
Tipo de cliente
Empresa privada
Nombre cliente
Empresa constructora
Dekar Yapı ve Yatırım AŞ.
Dirección de obras
Salih Kuzu
Gestor de mantenimiento de la obra
Tuncay Şahin
Kuzubağ Şaraphane Hançalar Kuzey Mah. Ortaköy Cad. No. 22, 20750 Çal/Denizli/ Turkiye
Coordenadas UTM
38.124150, 29.369626
Ciudad / Emplazamiento