LAND Arkitektur

LAND Arkitektur was established in 2008 in Stockholm. We are trained landscape architects with over 15 years of experience in the profession. We work at multiple scales, ranging from urban planning and large-scale landscape projects to the design of small-scale spaces in the city. We are a relatively small group and want to remain so. We are firm believers in the small studio with the great commitment.

LAND works with idea-based architecture according to our studio’s specific design methodology. Strong ideas guide our projects throughout the process and manifest in the finished design. In each project we want to highlight those little extras; the qualities that make each project unique. It may involve refining an idea in the design or running an interesting process in collaboration with a client. In our work, we combine a high artistic level with technically viable and safe solutions.

The understanding of site is the hallmark of landscape architecture, and the specific site is at the core of all our projects. Every site contains values, sometimes obvious, sometimes hidden. To pinpoint these values gives us the guidelines in creating sustainable projects and an architecture that is relevant. We perform thorough site investigations according to a carefully developed method, repeatedly throughout the project process. Initial site investigations aim at gaining knowledge and the understanding of existing qualities. Later on in the process, the work on site is oriented towards the testing of ideas through a variety of methods including sketch work on site and full-scale mock-ups. Furthermore, we make recurring visits to former project sites, reflecting on and learning from our built work and how it is used.

In the studio we gather around every project for joint, hour-long concept sketches. The concept sketch is a way to generate ideas, to highlight problem from different angles and to engage the entire office in the project. More than anything, the method works as a knowledge exchange that has proved to both save time, and result in good ideas.

It is fundamental for LAND to work as close to the local citizens as possible; the current and future users of the sites we plan. We carry out continuous development work in the office in this area; different projects require different methods. The key is to create a synergy between us – the architects, our clients and the users. We want our social commitment to transpire in the finished result.


1| LAND works with an idea-driven architecture. Clear ideas shape the projects and have an impact in the process and in the finished design.
2| Paramount in each project and the key in LAND’s design practice, is the prerequisites of the site in all its complexity. A thorough analysis of the site is therefore absolutely central.
3| LAND wants to create spaces that become destinations in themselves, places that can offer many types of activities and attract many different individuals. Public spaces have often had to act as voids between buildings, inconspicuous space emptied of its own content. Often, though not always, LAND believes that a good public space is achieved when the site is able to function as a carrier of its own independence.
4| In every commission LAND wants to highlight those little extras, what makes each project unique. It can be about refining an idea in the design or running an interesting process in collaboration with a client.
5| LAND is a flat organization where the dynamics within the studio, joint timetables and feedbacks within each project is our way of maintaining a high quality and generating good ideas for our clients.
6| LAND aims to always work close to the local citizens, so that our ideas are shaped in dialogue with the users.
7| Curiosity is a keyword for LAND. A curiosity to try something new, a curiosity towards new challenges and, a curiosity to work with new projects and new clients in new contexts and formations.
8| LAND wants to erase boundaries between disciplines and work to create integrated connections and solutions between landscape and architecture.
9| For LAND, open processes and a good dialogue with the client are of high importance. Architecture is a team effort where a wide range of disciplines contribute with their knowledge

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