Luciano Marcos Roussy

Luciano Marcos Roussy. Argentinean. La Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. June 23, 1983. Forestry engineer. Specialization in Landscaping and Environment by School of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, National University of La Plata (FCAyF-UNLP). Researcher at UNLP. Currently completing his Master's degree thesis on Territorial Sciences from School of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU), UNLP. Under graduate teaching: Teaching fellow, selected by competitive examination, to the chair Landscape Planning and Design, FCAyF-UNLP.  Post-graduate teaching: professor at Master's program in Landscaping Habitat and at Specialization in Landscaping and Environment, FCAyF-UNLP. Founder of the Landscape Engineering Research Unit at UNLP. Member of approved research project "Vulnerable Territories and Emerging Landscapes in Greater La Plata. Management Strategies for its Transformation", FAU-UNLP. Mr. Roussy has been awarded numerous research fellowships and he has delivered lectures and courses on Landscape. He has published papers related to wood technology, vegetative propagation, landscaping and urban tree planting. Mr. Roussy has served as human resource trainer for under graduate thesis and research fellowships. He has attended and organized several national and international scientific events. He has also held institutional positions at FCAyF UNLP. Experienced in public and private landscaping works and projects at small, medium and great scale, with a strong background in Industrial Green Infrastructure.