MTD landschapsarchitecten is a design agency for all outdoor areas in the broadest sense of the word. The agency works on designs for both rural as well as urban areas; on various scale levels. Our efforts are continuously geared to enabling initiating and condition-creating plans. Assignments involve urban design plans, the layout of streets, squares and more natural and scenic projects like parks, country estates, gardens and infrastructural projects. Clients are public authorities, developers, companies, institutions and private individuals. Projects increasingly also involve innovative, complex and strategic plans, within which coalitions are forged between various commissioning parties.
MTD is an agency with a history. In 1954 Pieter Buys established himself as a landscaping architect in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. In the first few years there was a partnership which included Hans Warnau and Bob van der Vliet at the agency Buys & Van der Vliet. In 1998 the agency was continued by Frank Meijer, Han Thijssen and Ruud Dubbeld under the banner of MTD landschapsarchitecten. The agency is very aware of its heritage.