Las Mayas as a Playground. The recreational space as a catalyst of urban regeneration and social interaction

Las Mayas as a Playground. The recreational space as a catalyst of urban regeneration and social interaction

Final Degree Project

Universidad Simon Bolivar

In addition to having a home and a place to work, human beings need a space to laugh, enjoy, play, and have fun. Recreation is indeed considered a fundamental part of the human rights framework, integral to the development process. Therefore, recreational spaces should be taken into account in urban planning. However, current cities, specifically Caracas, face numerous problems due to a lack of necessary public spaces to meet the demands of all its inhabitants. Furthermore, the disparity between planned urban areas and rural regions has resulted in an inequitable and non-inclusive distribution of parks and public facilities. Consequently, the deficiency of recreational spaces has a negative impact on the quality of life, personal growth, and the future of those living in the most marginalized sectors of the city.

Therefore, the proposal is to create a "playground," which would consist of a network of recreational spaces within an informal settlement. The neighborhood of Las Mayas serves as a case study and starting point due to its geographical complexity and existing recreational diversity. The aim is to regenerate a deteriorated urban and social context through three lines of action: childhood development (to create diverse opportunities), social cohesion (to encourage community participation and interaction), and urban connectivity (to foster links between the neighborhood and the city).

Career of Architecture
Año académico