Reviving the Heartbeat of the Creek

Reviving the Heartbeat of the Creek

Taller de Diseño 2

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

The project in the Aburrá Valley, Medellin, Colombia, focuses on studying the creek called "La Presidenta" and its environmental, sociocultural, and perceptual dynamics. The community's relationship with the stream has been dominated by fear of flooding, leading to encroachment and construction on its land. As a result, the creek has gradually disappeared physically and from collective memory, leading to what can be described as "water amnesia". Symptoms of this neglect include creek fragmentation, loss of natural areas, high levels of impermeable surfaces, heat island effects, water pollution, foul odors from debris and garbage accumulation, and declining biodiversity. The proposal aims to rescue the creek's heartbeat through an amphibious environment that encourages restoration and provides recreation during droughts and heavy rains. Reviving the creek requires reconnecting with its waters and understanding their dance on the topography. This dance molds the stream, leaving traces that define its identity as an amphibious landscape. The core of the proposal is a collective call to perceive the creek's heartbeat once more. By intentionally engaging with the creek, we can foster restoration and recreate the mesmerizing interplay of water, even amidst climate change challenges. In summary, this project addresses the effects of climate change on the creek by highlighting its disappearance and proposing measures to restore its vitality. Through intentional design, restoration efforts, and communal engagement, we can revive the creek's heartbeat and establish a harmonious relationship between humans and nature, ensuring a sustainable and resilient future for both the creek and the surrounding communities.

School of Architecture and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Master in Landscape Design
Año académico