Paulo Farinha-Marques is a landscape architect and an associate professor of Landscape Architecture in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto – Portugal.
He graduated in Landscape Architecture at the Technical University of Lisbon – High Institute of Agronomy (1988) and obtained a PhD in the Faculty of Architectural Studies at the University of Sheffield – UK (1999).
Since 1996 he has combined university teaching, urban biodiversity research and landscape design practice across scales.
His main areas of interest are the planning, design and management of publicly accessible green spaces such as parks, gardens, garden-squares and urban woodlands. He is constantly engaged in studies, projects and reflections on suitable and sustainable location of human activities on the land, the design of the outdoor spaces for people, in close articulation with climate, water and biodiversity.
He has been publishing about urban biodiversity and landscape design, as well as instructing landscape design execution projects, which have been mainly implemented.
He believes in freedom, knowledge, equity, diversity and beauty.
Currently he is in charge of an intricate, diverse and beautiful landscape: the Botanical Garden of the University of Porto.