The office "d’une ville à l’autre…» located in the city of Toulouse, in the South of France, was created in 2002 by Pierre Roca d’Huyteza. It brings 6 collaborators, freelancers or employees and many partners depending on the projects.
The agency works on urban planning procedures (intercommunal urban planning document of Grand Rodez ...), on designing new neighborhoods (Quartier Oasis in Toulouse, ZAC Las Fexettes in Perpignan, ZAC de la Laune in Montpellier, ZAC du Pignada in Magescq , ...), on urban restructuring (Quartier des Vallons in Bayonne, Le Hédas in Pau, ...) and on architecture (Crèche de Moulis Croix Bénite, La Halle des Mécaniques in Toulouse, ...). But public spaces remain at the heart of the agency's approach (Grisolles, Albias, Vieux Boucau ...).
"D’une ville à l’autre…" is now recognized for its expertise on the question of public space, which is tackled not only under its formal issues, but also on questions of use and management.
Convinced that the development of the city on itself goes through the implementation of coherent urban development strategies, the office has developed a proven know-how and methodology on the definition of reference plans and assistance with defining global policies for public spaces.
From Vieux Boucau to the Vallons neighborhood in Bayonne, from Saint Jean de Vedas to Albias, from Grisolles to Lalbenque, every public spaces project takes part in a larger-scale strategy.
In terms of design process, the office has developed a vocabulary around one concern: the project should not be designed to shine by itslef, but should reveal the spaces that it crosses.
The projects of public spaces carried out by the agency have all in common a wide sobriety associated with a great attention to the building process and the execution details.