(Revealing) a medieval landscape in 21st century Dublin
(Revealing) a medieval landscape in 21st century Dublin
Cities which have grown from a medieval beginning have much to tell and Dublin is no exception. Early settlers chose their place on the river with high ground for protection and comfort. Since the first defenses were built more than a thousand years ago there have been many iterations of the urban grain within, including the development of a considerable ecclesiastic complex. In recent history the medieval story has been buried under development and infrastructure and only remnants of the once-mighty walls remain.
Now, the city has a vision for the revival of the medieval landscape and recognises the value of public open space in the medieval context. By exploring the connections and spaces which exist in a city with such a layered past, the design approach has been to reveal their origins and make them accessible.
St. Audoen's Park, suffering from neglect and hidden from the street by a boundary of closely planted trees, now welcomes the pedestrian with an easy and open entrance off High Street and the 'Dubline' walking trail. Descent into the quietness of the park from this threshold provides a vantage point and visuals of the original church. Peace Garden offers a retreat from the busy street activity of a major city centre junction - sunken, green, with seating addressing Christchurch Cathedral. Both park and garden maintain their topography to achieve a sanctuary effect and capitalise on their association with church buildings of significance.
The two projects are phases in the restoration of this area of the city and employ the 'history story' with a sensitive design rationale to create an authentic, 21st century public realm experience with a medieval backdrop.