Ecophilic Landscape Architecture and Application in the revitalization of Kottuli Wetland
Masters of Landscape Architecture
Hochschule Anhalt, University of Applied Sciences
Wetlands, one of the most efficient ecosystems of the world, are rich in floral and faunal biodiversity and
harbour wonderful quantity of species including numerous endangered and threatened ones. Wetlands
shape breeding and feeding ground for numerous resident and neighborhood and migratory water birds
and several different lesser recognized species. As a substantially productive life supporting element,
wetlands have immense socio-economic, ecological, and aesthetically significance. The natural splendor
and diversity of animals and vegetation makes wetland aesthetically fascinating. The project tries to
lessen the effects caused by urbanization such as area loss, habitat fragmentation, and habitat alteration
by the application of ecophilic principles. The project tries to find out a solution for the existing problem
of water pollution by creating flexible spaces that can be responsibly used by people and yet functions a
biological filter.
It also tries to analyses the availability and quality of public spaces in the study area in order to
accommodate everyday life activities. This project addresses the need for the revitalization of Kottuli
wetland, its importance how it can be sustainabily rejuvenated and can be benificial for the people in and
around the area as a public space and ecol-tourism hub . Attention is given to analyse the reasons for the
failiure of previous interventions and to view the matter in a city scale. The research part involves new
innovations in the feild of public participation and how principles ecophilic landscape design can be
implimented in the project.