Via Golden Quadrilateral

Via Golden Quadrilateral

6th year architectural project

Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara

In times long past, the Quadrilateral with its glistening flickers from the mountain depths created its offspring, the aurum, gold. It is said that the worlds primordial axis flows through this mysterious land. Adventurers came here from all corners of the earth, crossed perilous seas, marched on feeble lands, and fought terrible wars in pursuit of this vital catalyst of civilisation. Time moved on but the land`s scars from all this struggle for the precious metal remain, waiting to be (re)discovered. Home, in the country of gold, the Quadrilateral waits… silent.

“The mountains, the rivers and the long flow of time are my treasures!”

Gold ore exploitation leaves a powerful mark on the environment that spans across time frames and territorial boundaries, becoming an increasing concern to us all. Sustainable regeneration of the golden quadrilateral cultural landscape is structured upon two levels. A horizontal one, regarding a multi-layered view on territory, administration and public policies, and a vertical one concerning the four distinct areas of the quadrilateral, each with its own natural, mythical, memorial and industrial characteristics. The intertwining of these two layers with the help of three thematic trails: natural, industrial, and memorial defines Via Golden Quadrilateral.

Academic year
Apuseni Mountains