Industrial Ruin Park, “El Sauce” Basin

Industrial Ruin Park, “El Sauce” Basin

Taller de Título 2

Universidad de Valparaíso

The economic growth of Valparaíso  at the beginning of the 20th century, led to its integration into the electric modernity. The high demand for this new energy required the creation of substations to supply elevators, trams and homes. The Hydroelectric “El Sauce". Submerged between the depths of the "Back of Valparaíso" (El Sauce Basin), this landscape rises as the antithesis of a controlled and trivialized city; her insides hide waterfalls and diaphanous mirrors of water, together with Silent Giants of a glorious past, today titanic works industrial ruins. Ponds, aqueducts, dams and turbines rest among the murmur from the forest: The Other Valparaíso, “The Other Landscape”. Enigmatic Industrial objects in amalgam with nature, generate an intense experience sensory in the individual with infinity of textures, aromas and forms present there, such as Tim Edensor would manifest in his exploration of industrial ruin. The

ambiguity of his languages, the exaggerated contrast of elements, the incompleteness of their figure, are brought to one extreme, composing scenarios typical of surrealism and the dreamlike. The Park longitudinally comprises 3 territorial elements: Plateau, (Dam Intervention), Hill Summit (Pond Intervention), Valley Depth (Hydroelectric Intervention). The project surrounds the ruin, building a story between THE SLIGHT AND THE HEAVY, THE ROUGH AND THE CLEAR. Nature is inserted, the water flows, the randomness allows the unfolding of its own perception and intuition  above space, releasing the unconscious into the "real" world.

Escuela de Arquitectura
Academic year
Valparaíso, El Sauce Basin