La Ruta Natural - larutaN atuR aL

La Ruta Natural - larutaN atuR aL

MASTER IN ARCHITECTURE - Cursa acadèmic 2020-2021


We propose the utilization of a natural cemetery in non-developable and specially protected lands as a strategy for reconfiguring the natural habitat of Rasot del Puig, while also reimagining the abandoned rural architectural heritage along the pathway connecting the municipal cemetery of Castellbell i el Vilar with the dilapidated Viladoms de Dalt farmhouse.
The environmental impact of a funeral service is assessed in terms of CO2eq emissions and the ecological footprint left by the involved products. However, an eco-friendly funeral transcends the mere reduction of negative environmental effects; it aspires to realign with the inherent natural cycle of life and death.
Although the etymological roots of ‘enterrar’ (to bury) imply ‘placing in the ground,’ the prevailing burial practice in our country involves niches, wherein bodies are interred in compartmentalized cavities resembling miniature versions of the living spaces we inhabit.
So, we propose a different perspective on death, where bodies return to the earth and the memories of the departed shape the landscape.

Academic year
Sant Cugat del Vallès