Torrent dels Alous Productive Park

Torrent dels Alous Productive Park

MASTER IN ARCHITECTURE - Curs acadèmic 2020-2021


Can the productive activity be part of the landscape?
The Torrent dels Alous Productive Park is the result of a holistic, multiscale vision. Starting from the metropolitan scale, the
project proposes mediating solutions between the segregating infrastructures and the shape of the territory under the premise
of the reactivation and intensification of the productive activity along the B-30. Located under a metropolitan proposal, the
project exposes a new way of building a city. Where productive architecture and landscape coexist in harmony. Through
programmatic, economic and urban analysis, the proposal is consolidated with a dual operation. Where on the one hand the
road infrastructure coexists with the taxonomic urban fabric and on the other hand the civic infrastructure with the
environmental. Thanks to this dual functioning and the creation of small productive neighbourhoods, the proposal works with
an introspective look towards the functional aspects and a retrospective look towards the contact with the landscape. Through
the creation of collective logistic courtyards and a proposal for exterior facades, the desired contact with the Mediterranean
landscape is achieved.

Sant Cugat del Vallès/Rubí