

al di là, climate-change adaptation of infrastructural landscape

ETH Zurich

" Retention basins as a new dynamic water system "

Climate change is affecting the Gotthard Massif, leading to an increase in heavy rainfall events and raising the risk of natural disasters such as debris flows and floods. Simultaneously, prolonged periods of drought are occurring. These two extremes result into water either flowing too fast, without being absorbed by the soil or a lack of water altogether. Considering these new circumstances, “AcquaAlpina” seeks to address the following question: " How can we shape our landscape - from the mountain peaks to the lowest points of the Airolo valley - so that natural extremes can be reinvented, tackled as potential and reintroduced as beneficial? " By implementing two systems—control and retention—we can alter the water dynamic. In the alpine area, retention basins are strategically designed to regulate the flow of the Vallascia and Dragone creeks, thus preventing debris flows. Within the cultivated landscape above Airolo, rainwater is stored in basins, slowing down runoff and facilitating passive infiltration for irrigation purposes. These water basins also serve as spaces where the presence of water can be celebrated and new spatial opportunities are emerging.

D- ARCH Department of Architecture / Landscape Architecture / Studio Voser
Academic year