Foresti resonances. Re-sewing the identitity of Villa Ada Savoia in Rome

Foresti resonances. Re-sewing the identitity of Villa Ada Savoia in Rome

Final degree dissertation

Roma Tre

The project aims to redevelop Villa Ada Savoia, the largest urban forest in Italy, located in the northwest area of Rome, where the Anieen river embraces the Tiber. Historical investigations has revelead an often contradictory tale, marked by periods of extraordinary development and moment of deep decdence. Analysies of the state of affairs confirm that today the Villa is fractioned, divided between private and public properties, with few real estate assets entrusted almost entirely to the Department of Environmentla Protection, most of which are disused and often in advanced stay of decay. This work therefore aims to re-create the Park's identity by investigating its possible developments and identifying uses that are compatible with its current state, capable of rconnecting with the memeory of its past and trasforming it into a resource for the present. To this end, taking care from its congenital vocation as a parlk of delight, the project intends to reconstitute a place of possibilities, for leisure, education and artistic aexpression: a centre for musical experimentaion capable of hosting concerts and theatre performances. Foresti resonaces - from the Latin 'foras'. forest, outside, something outside the city - is a new way of experiencing the Villa in an active and participatory manner by relating to it also throught music, So that it may be a catalyst for interests and ideas, that returns to feed on the relaxed and amused spirit that has long characterized it. So that it may be a aplace of reconnection with the past and imagination of the future where the roles of city park, forest, human, non-human continually mingle in dance step, converging in an unprecedente interspecific urban choral work.

Academic year