An elixir for tomorrow’s Cartusian’s landscape … at the Grande-Chartreuse’s massif. (VERSAILLES)

An elixir for tomorrow’s Cartusian’s landscape … at the Grande-Chartreuse’s massif. (VERSAILLES)

Personal End of Studies Work

The Versailles-Marseille landscape architect school (ENSP)

This work is the result of several years of research and contemplative curiosities on the Grande
Chartreuse massif.
After being challenged by the landscape and the scenery represented on the Europeans’
Chartreuses’ painted maps, my geographer’s point of view widened past the lay of the land and
the state of the art.
I listened, saw time stretch, learnt patience and developed a point of view on what beauty
means, contemplating mankind, the land and maybe heaven.
Henceforth, I strive to find this confidence and this honesty which radiates from these manshaped
landscapes, secularly pressured but also protected by nature.
Nowadays the Carthusian order has drifted away from the modern world and can be perceived
as withdrawn.
And yet it sparked many development initiatives in an isolated territory gating the alpine valleys.
I continued by asking myself how to redeploy this age-old entrepreneurial order in a contemporary

Paysagiste DPLG (master degree)
Año académico