Alice in natureland
Landscape Design of Urban Space
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
The project is a stream-"entrance" to Seikh Su forest, a "natural lung" of Thessaloniki that invites visitors to discover nature, get closer to the flora and fauna of the area, and change the way they think and act, for the benefit of the planet.
Alice (in Wonderand) is a girl outraged by the real world who is suddenly transferred to a fantastic universe. Similarly in our project, the visitor, entering the stream feels like a child, escaping from reality. Through the "Rabbit holes" (restriction of entrances to specific key points) he discovers a distorting green dimension away from the city noises. A "breath of clean air" in a densely populated area of Thessaloniki that improves its microclimate.
Narrative routes, constantly changing scenery and scales, lost and found passages and the "palace of Alice" overlooking the whole project are some of the determining keys of the design process.
An important element of the projcet is its special materiality, mixture of many materials from ruins and rubble of demolished buildings in the surrounding area that through a recycling process are reused as a "mosaic" for our interventions in the landscape. This material transition could remind people of the damage that we have caused to our land and expose new values for material waste to protect future life.
Our goal is to strenghten the existing natural lanscape and create a strong interrelationship between the schoolyard and the stream with primary concern the development of consciousness on the issue of the protection of the natural environment.