Claude Figureau

Lecturer 4

Claude Figureau is a botanist and autodidact. He is an engineer, Director of the Jardin des plantes de Nantes, Honorary President of Jardins botaniques de France et des pays Francophones, Vice President of the Société des Sciences naturelles de l’Ouest de la France, and member of the Conseil scientifique du Conservatoire Botanique National de Brest and the Conseil scientifique du patrimoine naturel des pays de la Loire. He has carried out numerous projects on the cyanobacteria and bryophytes (Prize of the Fondation de France) and tropical epiphytes (Special prize of the Jury scientifique de Sciences et vie / Leitz). He took part in a mission to the peaks of the Cameroon and cooperation projects in Bolivia, in the Martin Cardenas botanical garden. He has produced works and publications on landscape diagnosis and determining the biological value of a site. Conferences and courses at various universities.
