Dambovita river TO BEcome a blue axis

Dambovita river TO BEcome a blue axis

Landscape Design Master

University of Architecture and Urban Planning Ion Mincu

The status quo: Dâmbovița, structural axs on the NW-SE direction is an invisible urban river located in the ever-changing city, Bucharest, the capital of Romania. Our choice was to develop a proposal for the central section of the river, the one which crosses the core of the city. Meaning: a myriad of landscapes, from industrial to valuable interwar architectural heritage and to socialist legacy’s landmarks.

The aim of our proposal is to connect functionally and historically diverse urban areas, using a green-blue axis: Dâmbovița river corridor. We tried to develop our project using a series of research questions, like How? Who? When? How much? or Where?. Our scenario works at different scales, trying to have an impact both locally (urban acupuncture) and globally (the city and the metropolitan area).

As a working method, we defined three areas of perception on the studied section, taking a position in regard to each area. The three defining features that we identified were research, historical identity and culture and education. Our proposal focused on these features, trying to emphasize (research), capitalize (identity) and improve (culture). Therefore, the three areas that take shape are Dâmbovița_laboratory, Bridge over time and The urban pool. The three stances of our proposal are meant to improve the resilience of the ecosystem and make the river corridor more present in Bucharest.

Urban and landscape design
Academic year